Typical Estuarine Circulation Momentum Energy Speed of Wave H = depth of upper layer
Observed velocity of the nose = 30 km in 20 h = 0.4 m/s Theoretical = [ 2 g’ H ]0.5 g’ = g (density upper - density lower)/(reference density) g’ = 10 (4)/1000 = 0.04 m/s2 H = 10 m Theoretical = [ 0.8 ]0.5 = 0.9 m/s In this example, the flow is subcritical with respect to the internal gravity current speed
Mean density anomaly Mean principal-axis flow
Mean Flow at Meninea
Salinity Temperature °C Density Anomaly (kg/m3)
Seno Ballena Strait of Magellan Antarctic expeditions leaving through the Strait of Magellan sail by this fjord So the fjord is off Magellan Strait Seno Ballena
Mean Flow at mooring site sill’s depth Mean Flow at mooring site The mean flow shows the narrowness of the upper layer One can see that on the mean the landward flux of salt will be blocked by the sill because of its depth The distinct features between upper and lower layers help explore the spatial variability in the fjord…