October Virtue Assembly Gratitude “giving thanks to God for all He has provided; being grateful for those in our lives who help us.” October Virtue Assembly
Remember to be Thankful… Jesus was travelling when ten sick men asked him to heal them. Jesus made them better. After, only one man returned to thank Jesus. Jesus asked where the others were and why they had not come back to thank God. He then told the one thankful man that his faith made him well. This story reminds us that we must not forget to thank God for everything He does for us. Jesus teaches us that gratitude is part of our faith.
Faith in Action Some ideas for you to show your gratitude in action - Write a list of all the things you are thankful for - Thank you cards are a nice way to show your gratitude - We give thanks to God by helping others - When you are upset, remember what you are thankful for - Give thanks for the food you eat everyday - Say thank you if someone helps you Psalm 100:1-5
Our Gratitude Letters… We are grateful for our families, friends, pets, nature, teachers, homes, special traditions, holidays, summer vacation, brothers and sisters…
Our challenge to you… Go out and show gratitude… Write a letter or kind note to someone today and then deliver it to them. Tell someone in your life that you are grateful for them. Do kind things and expect nothing in return. Showing gratitude not only makes someone else smile but it also makes you happy. Go on… try it!