Alive-O Term 2: Lesson 1 My World in Winter What am I trying to do? To provide opportunities for the children to explore and reflect on their experiences of the world in winter. Why? So that the children will be more aware of the winter experience and will discover signs of God’s care and providence in the world in winter.
Prayer time for Week One: Day Two Teacher: As we light the candle we remember that God is ways with us, right through the year. We give thanks to God. All: Thank you, God, we pray.
Teacher: You are with us when the snow falls Teacher: You are with us when the snow falls. All: Thank you, God, we pray.
Teacher: You are with us when it is raining Teacher: You are with us when it is raining. All: Thank you, God, we pray.
Teacher: You are with us when we play games with our friends Teacher: You are with us when we play games with our friends. All: Thank you, God, we pray.
Teacher: You are with us all the time. All: Thank you, God, we pray.
We pray together: Thank you, God, for winter’s cold and winter’s warmth too. Thank you, God, you care for me All the winter through. Sign of the Cross.