ctcLink Project Update Steering committee


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Presentation transcript:

ctcLink Project Update Steering committee July 31, 2018 Choi Halladay, Pierce College District Vice President for Administrative Services, ctcLink Steering Committee Chair Christy Campbell, SBCTC ctcLink Project Director

Agenda Item Description Duration Facilitator 1. Welcome 5 Minutes Christy 2. Approval of Minutes - July 17, 2018 Choi 3. Status Update 20 Minutes 4. Staffing Update Dennis 5. Governance Update Jason 6. GDR - Global Configuration Framework – FIN/HR Follow-Up Discussion Approve Global Framework Emmett 7. GDR - Global Configuration Framework – CS Joseph 8. Meeting Closure – Action Items 10 Minutes Date needs to be confirmed due to Guided Pathways Technology Summit

Approval of minutes

Status Update

ctcLink Project Overall Program Status – as of July 20, 2018 Program is on track and making expected progress Key activities are being executed per the plan and timeline Scope Y Monitoring scope and timing of Chart of Accounts, Budgeting Tool, Continuing Education, Online Admissions Application, Budgeting Tool, and OBIA implementations Schedule Analyzing Resource overlap between DG2 and DG3 tasks Project Plan pending to be baselined to begin tracking % complete Budget ctcLink Budget is currently tracking under budget: Delayed hiring Timing of re-implementation of solutions going through requirements gathering and RFP Executive Summary The project is currently tracking per the schedule and under budget. We are continuing to review and define scope for each deployment due to the rework of key solutions. Deployment Group 2 (DG2) is in the Structure Phase, focused on Business Process Fit/Gap and Conversion activities. The Global Design/Configuration Framework recommendations and previous Common Process Workshops (CPW) are moving through governance for approval. The DG2 Go-Live has been approved for late October 2019. This timing was based upon DG2 college agreement based upon existing business activities and academic calendars. Analysis has begun on ctcLink project resource overlap between DG2 and DG3 activities. Remediation work continues to be a priority working in parallel with the Deployment activities. Risks Mitigating Actions Y CLARK - Many new staff have attended BPFG sessions. They have many questions because this is their first exposure. Hold orientation sessions to ensure they know where to find info in Canvas. CS team members have changed their delivery to accommodate new staff. SBCTC/ctcLink FIN - Current PM is separating from SBCTC. ctcLink PMO and SBCTC leadership working on posting position in near future. R SPOKANE- Remediation Conditions tasks not clearly tracked and reported in MS Project Plan (PP) Schedule. All remediation conditional tasks are being tracked in remediation schedule (part of DG2 schedule). Also, tracking status/completion in detailed, approved Remediation Spreadsheet. Issues Status Update R SPOKANE- ctcLink system issues impacting closing FY16, FY17, FY18, and Finance resources engagement with BPFG sessions. Working with ctcLink project team on alternative scheduling and understanding objective of each session. Y ctcLink PILLARS - Project resources assigned to Production support activities, impacting progress on scheduled project work. The team is evaluating resource and knowledge need to determine impact to ctcLink timeline prior to approving work. Overall Timeline (All Deployments) Remediation Status Campus Solutions Open Tab - 13/45 Closed Tab – 2/13 Financial Management Open Tab - 14/39 Closed Tab – 1/35 Human Capital Management Open Tab - 10/25 Closed Tab – 0/07 Faculty Workload Delayed due to AWS migration, date – 8/2018 DRS ERP Support working with CCS Absence Management Full-Time EE resolved, Adjuncts in progress Security Audit Controls Incorporated into Security Redesign Student Billing GDR approved and work in progress Budget Planning Solution Requirements need to be created Online Admissions Solution Requirements process has begun Continuing Education Solution Requirements completed, IC to Approve

Budget Status – as of June 30, 2018

Moran Technology Quality Assurance Report – June 2018 Status / QA# Findings ctcLink Responses Y QA 0119 The Training Manager and team (being expanded with additional staff and contractors) does not currently report to the Project Director. This is another matrix management challenge and is within the IT organization. The updating of the Training materials and the delivery of new PeopleSoft training is a major workstream for this phase. The Training Manager and team should, at least, report on a dotted line to the Project Director and PMO for work related to planning and executing this project workstream. This continues to be a challenge and PD and Assistant PD have laid out the training inventory and analysis based upon UPK Outlines to ensure that we have identified all courses based upon process and that content, outlines, and assessments are included in that scope. QA 0120 The Chart of Accounts (COA) re-design (for system-wide standardization) is being tasked to a ctcLink Working Group sponsored by the WACTC Business Affairs Commission and supported by SBCTC Finance staff. The PMO does not have direct control over this work. The timeframe to accomplish this work is project-critical and needs visibility of status and issues. The QA team recommends the status of this activity be reported weekly to the Executive Level (tier 1) and to the Project Steering Committee (tier 2). Issues delaying this work will require immediate Governance action to maintain schedule. Key individuals at SBCTC ̶̶ both Project and Policy/Support ̶̶ have been tasked to work with the colleges to define the new COA. The team is on track for Mid-April. The new COA will be approved by BAC and vetted during Global Design Review (GDR) by all colleges. Following that, COA will be presented to Governance for final approval. Update - The new COA was approved by the colleges during GDR. It has been reviewed by the Working Group and is being presented to the Steering Committee for approval in June. QA 0123 The Project Director will need to brief the Executive Leadership (tier 1) when activities outside the control of the project are not meeting expectations and are falling behind schedule, impacting project schedules. The Executive Leadership will then need to intervene in these situations. The cELC will receive monthly updates including status of project and budget, top risks and issues which address the comments as well as any decisions and the information and options for the decisions. QA 0132 AFRS CEMLI Status is a QA concern. During the Remediation Project, due to resource constraints, this work was put on hold. Reporting to State OFM has now resurfaced and the ctcLink Project team needs to get this work completed and operational to meet SBCTC reporting requirements to the State OFM. The AFRS CEMLI is a priority for SBCTC, including the ctcLink project. There are three resources currently assigned to the AFRS CEMLI work. We will continue to track this work to make sure the work is progressing. SBCTC has requested this work be complete by new Fiscal Year, July 2018. QA 0136 The possible re-scheduling of the Go-live Date for Deployment 2 has a ripple effect on scheduling all future planned deployments and risks need to be assessed as an overall program plan. It also may impact budget and project resources and contract staffing PMO has been analyzing the effect of the Deployment 2 timeline change by reviewing parallel activities and resource contention. This was discussed with the ctcLink Steering Committee. The Steering Committee agreed to an October 2019 go-live date. To mitigate risk, the Steering Committee agreed to extend contractors through Deployment 3 as needed. QA 0137 SBCTC PMO needs to reforecast the budget impact of any reset of the timeline for the Go-live date for Deployment Group 2 and also possible major budget impact to the overall project. PMO has been reviewing the budget impact for the change of Deployment 2 timeline. The project would extend contractors through Deployment 3. The budget impact was discussed with the Steering Committee and they agreed to extend contractors to mitigate risk of overlapping deployments.

OCIO Investment Plan Conditions – July 2018 G Conditions Status G 1 Project must remain in-line with SBCTC and OCIO policies Implemented 2 QA (Moran) to report to ctcLink executive sponsor and State CIO 3 Follow pre-determined OFM funding gates and approvals 4 Monthly status reporting 5 Continue reporting on Remediation items in Integrated Work Plan Y 6 OCIO approval of the 3 remediation solutions: Budgeting tool, Continuing Education Application, Online Admissions Application Planned 7 OCIO must be notified prior to use of contingency funds 8 Perform a post-implementation review (lessons learned) after each deployment and post on the OCIO dashboard within 30 days of go-live 9 Process and timeline for filling the SBCTC CIO position by 1/31/2018 Complete

Pillar Status – July 9-20, 2018 Campus Solutions Accomplished this period Held BPFG sessions with Clark on Student Financials and Student Records; assigned conversion tasks to Clark SMEs Defined test scenarios for the Student Financials conversion and Financial Aid legacy-to-PeopleSoft transition period Participated in the Common Process Workshop for Faculty Workload Kicked-off the security redesign project Planned for next period Continue to develop presentation materials and stage data for BPFG sessions Schedule review of 3rd party invoice and student statement templates with the ctcLink Working Group Support Conversion Cycle 1 prep activities Begin configuration build-out and functional testing in FNC environment Human Capital Management Y Accomplished this period DG2 work progressing on schedule, but team resources continue to be involved in Production support activities Primary DG2 Work: prep work for Business Process Fit/Gap (BPFG) Sessions with DG2 colleges Additional Support Work: Testing Support, Tier 2 Support Completed the Absence Management Configuration/Conversion BPFG Session Completed the Faculty Workload Common Process Workshop Planned for next period Payroll Configuration/Conversion BPFG Session Collect college homework assignments from initial BPFG sessions Support Conversion Cycle 1 prep activities Begin configuration build-out and functional testing in FNC environment Financial Services Y Accomplished this period Collected college homework assignments from initial BPFG sessions Provided production support assistance with fiscal year end closing activities Planned not completed Development of BPFG session material delayed by 1 week due to team reassignment to production year end close support Materials for the first set of sessions will not be available to college participants/PM in advance Planned for next period General Ledger Processes BPFG Session Commitment Control BPFG Session Support Conversion Cycle 1 prep activities Begin configuration build-out and functional testing in FNC environment Pillar Status – as of 6/8/2018 Structure Phase Milestones Status Date Global Design Review Complete 5/25/18 Bus. Proc. Flow Diagram In Progress DG Local Configuration UAT Test Materials Training Course Materials College – Data Mapping for Supplemental Systems N/A College – Configuration Sign-off College- UAT Test Definition Sign-off  N/A Deployment Group 2 Timeline (High Level Phases) G 4

Organizational Change Management Workstream Status - July 9-20, 2018 Testing G Accomplished this period Development of automated shakedown tests is behind schedule due to competing activities. New SIT script template format is approved which allowed the QA Team to begin updating the existing SIT scripts Developed environment shakedown tests in Progress Test Studio, CS: 90% complete, HCM and FIN 50% complete Continued planning of training/testing alignment to support UAT Planned for next period Discuss tasks that were not accounted for in the project schedule and update the UAT material build section based on the new approach. Training Y Accomplished this period Created and began refining course content (through audit) to identify ways to streamline courses. Discussed UAT QRG build with Training Team. Training Subgroup met to discuss Regional Trainer Training Approach. Updating Inventory with Activities/Assessment work effort numbers and updates/clean-up for FIN and HCM. Created/reviewed 46 QRGs. Planned for next period Work through 20 course content audits. Create UAT/EUT homework assignments in Canvas. Organizational Change Management G Accomplished this period Assisted in facilitating Business Process Fit/Gap Sessions at Clark Met with OCM sub-group to work on survey for college readiness Planned for next period Working with OCM sub-group to complete college readiness survey Need to firm up dates on the project schedule in alignment with communications training, and CoP. Remediation/Support G Accomplished this period Remediation spreadsheet updated for each open and closed item as agreed upon during remediation conditional approval plan and sent to pilot colleges Bi-weekly remediation meeting scheduled to ensure proper tracking and communicating of remediation progress  Planned for next period Track “Performance” of the ctcLink system in terms of availability, capacity, response times. Analyze the overall effectiveness and value of the ERP service desk (present and future) and support team in terms of capacity, skill level, customer-service orientation and interactions, and existence of formal Service Level Agreements and Standard Operating Procedures. Create the ctcLink Service Level Agreement to document policies, processes and response times for ctcLink support Determine Accessibility challenges of ctcLink per SBCTC Accessible Technology Policy. Technical Y Accomplished this period Completed and published the environment map for the ctcLink project PeopleSoft environments. Completed migration and validated legacy configuration for post-DG2 Wave 1 colleges to the configuration build environments (FNC) from the original Gold environments (DV1). Began Conversion cycle 1 activities around Clark and State Board data Planned this period but not complete FWL remediation work was lost when a Production environment was refreshed without prior notice. Total time lost is estimated to be two to three weeks Planned for next period Continue Conversion activities for cycle 1 and 2. Migrate all CS CEMLI’s into environments and make any retrofit changes required. Update the CEMLI Master with the most current CEMLI information. Communications Y Accomplished this period DG2 timeline announcement (email, blog) Online ctcLink and ERP Resources and tools web page launched. Supported governance committee meetings Met with Community of Practice group to discuss ctcLink Connect blog and other communications tools. Planned for next period Complete communications activities line items in project schedule Update project communications work plan activities Draft internal communications process/tools Add communications documents to cDR

Community Colleges of Spokane Tacoma Community College Deployment Group 2 Reports – July 9-20, 2018 Clark College G Accomplished this period Hosted BPFG CS sessions at Clark 7/16/18 through 7/19/18. Spokane and Tacoma attended some of the sessions in person. Completed SME list, using the Glossary of SME roles, so our information is better aligned with ctcLink project. Steering Planned for next period Hosting BPFG CS sessions at Clark 7/23/18 & 7/24/18 SBCTC Agency G Accomplished this period Continued working on homework in between high workload. Planned for next period Outgoing SBCTC PM transfer of duties to new PM or identified interim resource SBCTC SME Meeting scheduled for 7/26/18. Community Colleges of Spokane R Accomplished this period Began activities related to the CS 9.2 and PeopleTools upgrade Planned this period, but not able to complete Participation in the Security Role redesign has not started Finance team’s time continues to be focused on FY Close tasks impacted and delayed by ctcLink issues. Remediation Conditions not completed. Details and schedule pending from SBCTC. No current Remediation Conditions schedule/tasks available for CCS resources that will be impacted by this work. CCS concerned with Spokane’s resource deployment for participation in the essential Fit/Gap sessions which begin in late July as Spokane Finance staff will still be working on year end close and remediation items. Planned for next period Continued work on Finance FY16, FY17 & FY18 close tasks across all pillars Tacoma Community College G Accomplished this period Working to assign attendees for BPFG sessions. Following with ERP support on post-AWS migration issues. Local SME attended ctcLink Security redesign group. Planned for next period

DEPLOYMENT GROUP 2 – Upgrade Project


ctclink Project staffing update Employee - Open Roles SBCTC PM / OCM (Shared Role) 2 Training – Content Development and Trainers 2 Finance Analysts 1 Finance Developer 1 Applications Configuration Management Contractor/Consultant Student Financials/Financial Aid Lead Student Financials Financial Aid

ctclink Governance Update ctcLink Steering Committee (SC) ctcLink Working Group (WG) SC Charter reviewed, updated, signed off WG Charter reviewed, updated, signed off Approved Decisions by SC: Deployment Group 2 timeline CPW Processes New Hire Grants Management Decisions and recommendations to WG: Global Framework FSCM/HCM GDR - Approved CS GDR – Approved Absence Management Benefits Lifecycle Course Management Currently in Review or Upcoming Review by SC: In Review - Global Framework FSCM/HCM GDR CS GDR Upcoming - CPW Processes Planned Review by WG: Change Requests Ongoing Planned Maintenance Additional discussion: Better and more efficient presentation of decision materials Prep time for SC Create Template for items to be presented to WG Define which (and how) items come to WG

Global Configuration Framework FSCM/HCM – Follow-up discussion and approval CS – Follow-up discussion and approval

draft agenda (8/14/2018) Item Description Duration Facilitator Welcome   Welcome 5 Minutes Christy 2.  Approval of Minutes - July 31, 2018 Choi 3.  Status Update 20 Minutes 4. Governance Update Jason 5. Staffing Update Dennis 6. GDR - Global Configuration Framework – FIN/HR Follow-Up Discussion Approve Global Framework Emmett/Joe 7. CPW – Common Process Approval Absence Management Benefits Lifecycle Course Management Ligia 8. Meeting Closure – Action Items 10 Minutes
