Online Contractor Orientations
Online Contractor Orientations An overview of the process required to get contractors ready to work on site.
24 hour wait (activation time) Process Contract Admin. supplies name of Contract Firm and list of employees requiring orientation A VIP number is generated for each of the names supplied 24 hour wait (activation time) Contracted firm receives notification / instructions and a list of employee logins for remote access of CBT system via internet Contracted employees complete orientation package/s online (or in emergency circumstances, onsite) Contracted employees arrive onsite @ SafeProduction Training Centre Test Results in V.I.P verified Surface Plant “Contractor Training Requirements Form” (CTRF) of required training (i.e. CSE) verified If complete - Plant Access granted, security pass issued, contractor directed to plant for site specific tour. If incomplete /absent – Plant access denied, directed back to Vale Rep.
Associated Documents Orientation Process Flow (Graphic) Contractor Training Requirements Form (CTRF) (Complete document) Safe Production Contract Management Guidelines (Complete document) Letter of Agreement (relevant CBA sub-section) Language to Contractors (description of contractor’s requirements )