On the Gridding Emissions Globally Muntean M. , Pagliari V


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Presentation transcript:

On the Gridding Emissions Globally Muntean M. , Pagliari V On the Gridding Emissions Globally Muntean M., Pagliari V., Janssens-Maenhout G., Guizzardi D., Petrescu R., Olivier J., Thiruchittampalam B., Uzbasich M., J. Theloke, J. van Aardenne

On the Gridding Emissions Globally I. EDGAR Methodology and proxy data II. EUROPA case study Emissions distribution using different proxy data III. CHINA case study Emissions distribution: - National total versus province totals - Aggregated versus disaggregated by fuel type

Scale EMISSIONS on grids I. EDGAR - Methodology AD data EoP EF The EOLO Framework EMISSIONS kton/yr Emissions GRIDs 0.1°x0.1° Grid maps 0.1°x0.1° AD: International energy agency (IEA) IEA by regions (Latin America, Africa, Asia)  splitting for 70 countries EF: IPCC 2006 EMEP/CORINAIR US EPA WEBFIRE EIPPC BREF Scientific literature US DOE data (oil, gas, coal) production/consumption TECH  depends of the process EoP: -UCI Platts Power Plants Database IEA Coal Power 5 - EMISSIONS by country- by sector - by technology To allocate the emissions to the places where they occur Scale EMISSIONS on grids

I. EDGAR - Methodology Grouping by proxy grids 750.000 activity (sector)-specific emission country totals Total by country & proxy

I. EDGAR Proxy data Proxy Maps (e.g.) 74 different proxy datasets http://edgar.jrc.it/eolo/php/grd_list.php Energy point sources Chemical industry Agriculture In-house derived maps Power plants CARMA 2000, 2007 Ammonia Buffalo; Cattle; Goats Rural population Coal mining Adipic acid Poultry; Sheep; Pigs Urban population Oil refineries Nitric acid Crop; Grass Roads multiplied by population Metal industry Mineral industry Trees Inland waterways (rivers and lakes) Iron &steel maps Cement Soil distribution Population (1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010) Magnesium Lime Other Histosol maps Copper Road transport Shipping trajectories Ammonia deposition map Zinc; Lead Road - 2008 Aviation trajectories Aluminium maps Gas production

I. EDGAR Proxy data 240 country emissions 1.500.000 grid cell proxy 3.700.000 grid cell emissions

Creation of New proxy Grids Roads times inhabitants I. EDGAR Proxy data Creation of New proxy Grids Roads Roads times inhabitants

Emissions distribution using different proxy data II. EUROPA case study Emissions distribution using different proxy data Sources considered: - Heavy duty vehicles - Passenger cars - Light duty vehicles - Mopeds & motorcycles Road transport : Year: - 2008 Pollutant: - NOx, CLRTAP emissions Proxy E-PRTR: - traffic volume (Trans-Tools) - 1. population (HD) and - 2. population x roads (PC, LD, MP&MC) Proxy EDGAR:

Emissions distribution using different proxy data II. EUROPA Emissions distribution using different proxy data Proxy - population x roads increases the gradient between city and intercity transport

II. EUROPA Emissions distribution using different proxy data E-PRTR proxy - traffic volume (Trans-Tools) EDGAR proxy - population x roads This proxy represents well traffic volume

III. CHINA case study Emissions distribution: National total, Province total and Fuel type EDGAR – improving emissions distribution for large countries Move from national totals to province/state totals In this case study we used the GAINS fractions to allocate the national EDGAR CO2 emissions to the Provinces Proxy used to distribute the CO2 emissions: 1) by country and 2) by province Road transport : population x roads (PC, LD, MC, BS) and roads (HD) Energy: power plants Industry : urban population 2005 Residential : population 2005 Cement production: cement Lime production: lime Waste incineration: urban population 2005 Domestic aviation: domestic aviation, take off and landing Inland water: inland water Petroleum refining: oil refineries Manufacture of solid fuel - coke

CHINA by country vs. CHINA by province On aggregated level the split at province level has minor effect

CHINA by country vs. CHINA by province COAL CHINA by country vs. CHINA by province Chongqing 31070000 inhabitants

CHINA by country vs. CHINA by province GAS CHINA by country vs. CHINA by province

CHINA by country vs. CHINA by province GAS and COAL CHINA by country vs. CHINA by province Looking at disaggregated level, by fuel type, subdivision of country totals to province totals becomes very significant. Use of gas or coal in the energy, industry and residential sectors needs to be allocated to the correct province. Proxy used for GAS / COAL emissions distribution Energy: power plants PP_CARMA_2007 Industry: urban population 2005 Residential: population 2005

Conclusions EDGAR grids emission country totals at global scale and is building up its pool of global proxy data with consistent global statistics. EDGAR is steadily improving its gridding tools: For regions covered with detailed proxy gridmaps. We check the quality and appropriateness of our proxy data by comparing with advanced proxies: for road transport the “population x roads” proxy seems to be appropriate (compared to “traffic volume” proxy). For large regions (e.g. China, the USA, India). We first split the country emission totals to province emission totals by subdividing the sector-specific country totals to the provinces/ states with appropriate shares (e.g. from GAINS).

Thanks for your attention! http://edgar.jrc.ec.europa.eu