Picking a “Just Right” Book Rebecca Edwards-Mayerson P.S. 40 Manhattan
English Arts Standard Standard One: Students will read, write, listen and speak for information and understanding Students will learn how to select a book that is at the correct reading level for them.
Information Literacy Standard For Student Learning Standard 1 The student who is information literate accesses information efficiently and effectively.
Read the Title Does it sound interesting? Does it relate to your topic of interest/research?
Look at the Cover Picture What are you learning about the book by looking at the cover picture?
Look for Award Winning Books Caldecott Newberry Coretta Scott King
Read the Blurb
Reviews Is the book highly reviewed?
Use the “Five Finger Rule” If there are more than five words that you can’t read this is not a “just right” book for you.
Font Is the Font size big enough?