Strap (parallel) Convergent Sphincter Unipennate Bipennate Multipennate
Muscles of Facial Expression * Epicranius frontalis m. - wrinkles the forehead Orbicularis oculi m. - closes the eye Nasalis m. - widens the nostrils Risorius m. - draws angle of mouth laterally Orbicularis oris m. - “pucker” muscle Plate 22
Muscles of Facial Expression, cont. Procerus - pulls eyebrows medially and down Levator labii superioris m. - “Elvis” muscle Zygomaticus m. - smile muscle Depressor anguli oris m. - frown muscle Depressor labii inferioris m. - “pout” muscle Levator palpebrae superioris m. - raises upper lid, CN III
Temporalis m. Masseter O: temporal fossa, temporal lines I: coronoid process of the mandible A: elevates the mandible Masseter O: zygomatic arch I: lateral portion of the ramus of the mandible Plate 50 (54)
Lateral pterygoid m. Medial pterygoid m. O: sphenoid bone I: anterior side of condylar process of mandible A: protracts the mandible, can depress the mandible and move mandible side to side Medial pterygoid m. I: medial aspect of the mandible A: elevate the mandible, move mandible side to side (grinding motion), and can help protract the mandible Plate 51 (55)
Superior Orbital Oblique m. Lateral Medial Superior View (from above)
Extrinsic Ocular Muscles Trochlea Levator palpebrae superioris m. Superior oblique m. Superior rectus m. Lateral rectus m. Inferior orbital oblique m. Plate 80 (84)