Evangelizers in the midst of youth Document of reference for Marist Youth Ministry (MYM)
Meeting 01
OBJECTIVES: Organise the work dynamic for the group. Present the structure of the document and the process for study and implementation. STEPS: Define the minimum structure for the functioning of the group. Give guidelines for reading the document. Prepare a calendar of meetings and discussion about the methodology.
FROM WHENCE THE IDEA FROM WHENCE THE IDEA? the interest of the General Council evangelisationof youth at the heart of our pastoral practice priorities It is the fruit of the interest of the General Council to place the direct evangelisation of youth at the heart of our pastoral practice and, starting from there, among out most priorities. estimateexperience accumulated in several regions of the Institute isalso aware that in other regions pratically nothing The Council, first of all, has a very positive estimate of the experience accumulated in several regions of the Institute in regard to their work with youth through what we have generally called « Marist Youth Ministry » (MYM), even though it takes different names according to the local situation. But the Council is also aware that in other regions, even with a magnificent potential for this ministry, pratically nothing has been done.
H. Raúl Goitea – Argentine; H. Rommel Ocasiones – Philippines; Sr. Paul Salmon – Australia; H. Michael Schmalzl – Germany; H. Ramon Rúbies – Spain; Sr. Fabiano Incerti – Brazil; H. Ifeanyi Stephen Mbaegbu – Nigeria INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION 2007
WHY AN INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENT? document of reference for the Institute serve as a basis for its development In January 2007, the General Council created an International Commission to prepare a document of reference for the Institute on the Marist Youth Ministry, so that it might serve as a basis for its development later in the different continents or Provinces. a humble instrument at the service of the Institute, in the hope it will contribute to revive the flame of passion for the Gospel We are aware that evangelisation is the work of the Holy Spirit and that without his action, everything is simply talk or show. This instrument is only intended as a humble instrument at the service of the Institute, in the hope it will contribute to revive the flame of passion for the Gospel, among adults as among the youth themselves.
WHAT IS ITS AIM WHAT IS ITS AIM? a document of a general character, open and offering guidelines; sufficiently clear and explicit as to our understanding and our experience in the Institute of what the MYM is As this is a document of reference, it was clear to us from the beginning that it would be a document of a general character, open and offering guidelines; sufficiently clear and explicit as to our understanding and our experience in the Institute of what the MYM is, but that we would not go into too much practical detail, so as to retain for it a universal value and application.
INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION 2011 Br Ramon Rúbies – LHermitage; Br Luiz André da Silva Pereira - Brasil Centro-Norte; Br Rommell Ocasiones – East Asia; Br João Carlos do Prado – Secretariat of Mission, co-ordinator Br Ifeanyi Mbaegbu – Nigeria; Mrs Simone Boyd – Melbourne; Mr Carlos Ulises Centeno López – México Occidental
I. We go where the young people are II. I cannot see a young person without telling him how much Jesus loves him CHAPTERS
III. The Hermitage, our common home IV. If the Lord does not build the house CHAPTERS
V. Good Christians and good citzens VI. A heart without frontiers CHAPTERS V.
Communication and study of the document Revision and development of the proposal of the Administrative Unit Formation of leaders and multipliers Implementation and evaluation of the proposal of the Administrative Unit Jesus in person came up and joined them on the road But their eyes were prevented from recognizing him And they told him everything that had taken place And beginning with Moses and going through all the Prophets, he explained to them all the Scriptures concerning him At that very hour, they set out and returned to Jerusalem Metodologia: Emaús PROPOSAL FOR IMPLEMENTING THE DOCUMENT Regional meetings October de 2011 September de 2012January de 2013April de 2013 Responsible : Provincial MYM Commission
we are renewing the optionfor the evangelisation of adolescents and young people we affirm the richness of group life With this document we are renewing the option of the Institute for the evangelisation of adolescents and young people. These pages are a reflection of our convictions and our style of living and announcing the Good News. As Marist Youth Ministry, we affirm the richness of group life, the importance of accompaniment and the value of process and organisation.
FOR STUDYING AND SHARING What do I feel from the fact of being invited to participate in the process of study and implementation of the document « Évangelisers in the midst of youth » ? What challenge are the document and the process of study and implementation of the document offering me? What are they inviting me to ? What contributions can I offer the group to draw the greatest profit from the process?