Evangelisers in the midst of youth Document of reference for Marist Youth Ministry (MYM)
GUIDE FOR STUDY OF THE DOCUMENT STUDY GROUP MEETINGS Institute of the Marist Brothers Secretariat of Mission International MYM Commission
Itinerary of accompaniment, a journey of dialogue and discovery
« Evangelisation is the centre and priority of our apostolic activities : to proclame Jesus and his message » Mendes 2007
The document that you have in your hands is the result of this interest of the General Council in placing straightforward evangelization of the young at the heart of our pastoral care, making it one of our highest priorities. It has been our aim, then, to enable the Provinces with hands-on knowledge of MYM to see their accomplishments rel ected in this document and at the same time to feel greatly encouraged to build upon the successes of their ministries. On the other hand, it is our desire to ofer a formative document to Provinces having lit le or no experience in this area, a point of reference to help them start out. This document seeks nothing more than to be a modest instrument for beneiting the Institute. Our hope is that it will contribute to rekindling lames of passion for the Gospel among adults and young people themselves, who, as Pope Benedict XVI reminded us so well, are called to take on a grace-filled leadership role in evangelizing their companions. PRESENTATION
PRIOR GUIDELINES FOR THE STUDY GROUP MEETINGS Institute of the Marist Brothers Secretariat of Mission International MYM Commission
PRIOR GUIDELINES FOR THE STUDY GROUP MEETINGS The International Commission presents 8 proposals for meetings: One (01) meeting: a) to organise the group and its work ; b) to present the purpose and structure of the document and the plan of study and application. Six (06) meetings to study the chapters of the document. The proposal is one meeting for each chapter. One (01) meeting at least for sharing and suggesting proposals for MYM at the local and provincial/District level, and to evaluate and celebrate the progress made.
PRIOR GUIDELINES FOR THE STUDY GROUP MEETINGS To organise the study groups,we recommend : Define a minimum structure for its functioning : a co-ordinator, someone responsible for the days prayer, someone responsible for preparing the days topic, someone responsible for welcoming the group and preparing the place for the meeting, someone who will prepare the report for each meeting and the final report with the progress achieved and the proposals of the group at local and provincial/District levels. We suggest that all the participants in the group read beforehand the chapter to be studied at the meeting. Apart from the meetings, reflect on other proposals for work on the document able to be done with the group or the groups of the work or the educational community.
PROPOSAL OF METHODOLOGY FOR THE MEETINGS We recommend the following steps for holding the group meetings : Welcome of participants. Moment of prayer in line with the days topic. Presentation of the proposal of work for the meeting. Study of the days topic. Moment of sharing and exchange on the days topic and on the progress of MYM at local and provincial/District level. Define some concrete commitments for the group with regard to the topic discussed and the MYM. Guidelines for the next meeting. Prayer.
PROPOSAL OF METHODOLOGY FOR THE MEETINGS The International Commission offers for the study group meetings : The objectives Some recommendations concerning resources and tracks of work The main points of the topic of each chapter of the document Some questions in view of guiding the time of study and sharing Proposal for the report to the Provincial Commission. The Provincial Commission and the co-ordinators can enrich the proposal of the International Commission and complete the other steps of the meeting. On the Institute web site one can share the living of the process of the groups.
GUIDE FOR THE STUDY GROUP MEETINGS Institute of the Marist Brothers Secretariat of Mission International MYM Commission
Objectives : 1.Organisation of the dynamic of the groups work. 2.Presentation of the purpose and structure of the document and the plan of study and application. Steps : Define the minimum structure for the functioning of the group. Give guidelines for reading the document. Construct a calendar for meetings and exchange on the the methodology. See guide for meeting 01 in annex. MEETING 01
Objectives: 1.Share our experience and knowledge of the world of young people. 2.Reflect on our manner of accompanying youth and on the challenges they offer us. Resources and steps : Document « Evangelisers in the midst of youth » (Chapter 1) Chapter topics offered by the International Commission. Chants and symbols which speak about youth. Invite some young people to share in the study of the chapter. MEETING 02
« The world of youth » Where are youth and who are they ? Our journeying with young people The context of the young : a world in mutation How have we accompanied them? We are going to the meeting… attention to the « how» and the « where from» Possible risks in our forms of going to the meeting What do youth expect from us ? What challenges do they offer us ? Some tracks for work with youth today With Jesus and Champagnat we journey, as Marists, with the young MEETING 02
For study and sharing Taking into account the context of our Province/District and of our work/community : 1. Who are the young? Where are they ? 2.How have we accompanied them ? 3.What do the young expect of us ? What challenges do they offer us?
MEETING 03 Objectives: 1.Know and reflect on the theological bases of MYM. 2.Share about the way in which the group lives these elements in its life and mission. Resources and steps : Document « Evangelisers in the midst of youth » (Chapter 2) Chapter topics offered by the International Commission. Foster a climate of openness and trust which helps in the confronting of ones own history with the theological bases of MYM. Utilise images and symbols of the topic.
A God passionate about human beings Creator God who creates creative persons. Communicator God who reveals himself in human history. Saviour God who acts in favour of life, against every sort of evil. We discover God in the face, the word and the life of young people. Jesus Christ, living and present in the world and life of young people. Evangelisation, essence of Marist mission. The model of Church for our evangelising activity. MEETING 03 The doctrinal framework for Marist Youth Ministry
MEETING 03 For study and sharing 1.What theological elements presented for youth ministry would I emphasise? Why? 2.What are the implications of these elements in my pastoral work? 3.What other elements would I include? 4.How far do I go in perceiving that it is possible to envisage these elements in the formation process of MYM?
MEETING 04 Objectives: 1.Study the importance of the MYM in the carrying out of the Marist mission. 2.Come to know the characteristics and the basic elements of MYM and reflect on them. Resources and steps : Document « Evangelisers in the midst of youth » Chapter 3 Chapter topics offered by the International Commission. Share also about other experiences of youth groups known by members of the group. Compose a conceptual chart or another image using the characteristics and basic elements of MYM.
MEETING 04 Definition and characteristics of the Marist Youth Ministry « Reinforce our educational apostolates as places of evangelisation where human and Christian values are encouraged, as well as the integration of faith and life. » XXI General Chapter Youth ministry, a privileged place for the evangelisation of young people Link with Vocations Ministry « Help young people be in control of their existence and offer them the possibility of constructing their life project… » Characteristics of Marist Youth Ministry Basic Marist Elements Presence Simplicity, humility, modesty Family spirit Love of work In the style of Mary
MEETING 04 For study and sharing 1.This chapter underlines the principal elements which characterise Marist Youth Ministry as presented in the document. 2.In the light of the document, what are the elements to be taken into account in the Province/District project? 3.What in my situation makes a vital and attractive youth ministry difficult or easy ?
MEETING 05 If the Lord does not build the house
MEETING 05 Objectives: 1.Become familiar with the basic pedagogical-pastoral options of MYM and their application in the context of the Province/District, and reflect on them. 2.Study the methodological options of MYM and their contribution to the Marist programmes of evangelisation. Resources and steps : Document « Evangelisers in the midst of youth » Chapter 4 Chapter topics offered by the International Commission. One can work with the pictures to encourage the group sharing. In the opening prayer of the meeting utilise the text of Lk 24: 13 – 35.
MEETING 05 Options of MYM Following the example of Marcellin Champagnat, we take up the same mission, we are called to lead youth, through education, to a valid experience of personal and communitarian faith, which helps them become persons who are free, just, ethical and committed to solidarity. Options pédagogico-pastorales fondamentales Youth groups and the living of brotherhood The process of education in the faith AccompanimentOrganisation Formation of leaders active, helpful and contemplative, in the different situations Basic pedagogical-pastoral options : THE ITINERARY OF THE DISCIPLES OF EMMAUS SEE-INTERPRET THE SITUATION-ACT-REVISE-CELEBRATE
MEETING 05 For study and sharing 1.How do I imagine the organisation of the MYM in my Province/District or in my work, in the light of the five basic pedagogical-pastoral options presented in the document ? 2.What are the principal challenges and the principal opportunities that I perceive ? 3.How can the methodological options of MYM contribute to the Marist mission of evangelising ? 4.What are the challenges to be taken up?
MEETING 06 Objectives: 1.Reflect on the dreams and the place of young people in the MYM and on other experiences of work with youth. 2.Study our way of dreaming the Marist mission with young people and sharing it. Resources and steps : Document « Evangelisers in the midst of youth » (Chapter 5) Chapter topics offered by the International Commission. One can share about the elements we appreciate and emphasize in the youth of today. Utilise images of young people to decorate the meeting place.
MEETING 06 The approach and the hopes of the youth involved in the MYM Marist Youth Ministry, a place for dreaming together We dream WITH them, not in their place, of young people who are responsible, in solidarity, with Gospel values, committed to life, to the planet, and with scientific knowledge ; we dream of young people with the power to transform society in the light of the Gospel. Youth consider themselves as members of a much wider community. Youth can grow as faithful disciples of Christ in following him. They use the resources of nature with respect and struggle for a lasting action to preserve Gods creation. They discover the talents that God has given them and decide to live the Marial virtues such as work, modesty and simplicity, which they perceive in the example of others. The MYM is a way of coming together where Brothers, companions, animators and teachers have a unique opportunity for sharing the life of young people.
MEETING 06 For study and sharing 1.What does the study of Chapter 5 inspire in me ? 2.How can the MYM contribute to the role of youth in the transformation of the world and in the construction of the Kingdom of God ? 3.What opportunities and challenges do the Province/District, community and /or work offer the MYM ?
MEETING 07 Objectives: 1.Foster the construction of an international mentality and approach to Marist life and vision, especially in MYM. Resources and steps : Document « Evangelisers in the midst of youth » (Chapter 6). Chapter topics offered by the International Commission. Encourage in the group the sharing of experiences of MYM known in other situations in the Institute. The group can reflect about the elements it considers necessary and the way of advancing to broaden its international mentality and approach to Marist life and mission, especially in MYM. Exchange about the way of envisaging the report of the group in the next meeting and on the groups conclusion of the process.
Sharing of resources and professional development. Support for MYM, from the point of view of structures, and for the development of its animators. Promote the sense of global identity. As brothers and laity [marists] who live in todays globalised world, we are called to have an international perspective in our spirits and in our hearts… XXI e Chapitre général MEETING 07 Networks, structure and promotion of international links
MEETING 07 For study and sharing 1.From my study of the document, what calls is God making to me ? What calls is he making to our Province or District, community and /or work ? 2.What sort of elements and experiences could contribute to the vitality of the MYM in our situation ? 3.What points should be insisted on with regard to MYM and its animators, at local, provincial and institutional levels? 4.What processes could facilitate the review of the work of evangelisation among the youth in my work, community, Province or District and in the Institute ?
Objectives: 1.Complete the report on the process lived by the group and on its contributions to the MYM at the local, provincial/District level. 2.Evaluate and celebrate the progress made. Resources and steps : Revise the topics of each chapter offered by the International Commission which have been studied in the meetings. Share the summary of each meeting made by the person designated by the group. Some members of the group can prepare the report beforehand, so as to present the final contributions before sending it to the Provincial Commission. Define some commitments at personal and group level with regard to MYM. Specify the way of sharing the experience and knowledge of the group at the local and provincial level. The group can conclude the process with an evaluation, then a festive celebration. Invite young people to take part in the celebration
Possible structure for the group report -Identification of the group. -Brief description of the process lived (meetings, dynamics utilised, etc.). -Important elements of the study underlined by the group. -Challenges to meet at local, provincial/District level with regard to the MYM. -Recommendations of the group on the MYM of the Province/District and the work/community. -Concrete commitments made by the group following the process lived. - Some productions of the group can be included : songs, pictures, photos, etc. GUIDELINES
Together we have dreamed our future. Through these dreams we have discovered the fundamental call God is making to us today : With Mary, go in haste to a new land! By means of this document we renew our Institutes choosing to evangelize teenagers and young people. In these pages we set out our beliefs and way of life and proclaim the Good News. As members of Marist Youth Ministry we affirm the richness of life in groups, the importance of accompaniment and the value of process and organization. We believe that we are the Church and we are moving ahead with our mission to evangelize children, teenagers and young adults in the fields that have been entrusted to us.
« I cannot see a child without wanting to teach him the catechism and make him understand how much Jesus loves him. » (Champagnat)