Compressive behavior of CNT in polymer matrix with Weak interface Comparison of neat CNT (no matrix) and with matrix and no chemical bonding (van derwalls). Pattern of deformation is very similar, energy absorption is also similar. There is no much load transfer to the matrix and the fiber acts independently with no interactions. Compressive behavior of CNT in polymer matrix with Weak interface
Stress-strain response of compressive behavior of neat CNTs
Compressive behavior of CNT in polymer matrix with strong interface. This figure is the stress vs. external displacement for composites with different numbers of strong interfaces. Butene (C4H10). First peak is onset of buckling reduces-second peak is crushing deformation increases. Net energy is much higher. Stronger interfaces localizes the deformation and hence the energy absorption. Compressive behavior of CNT in polymer matrix with strong interface. Deformation mechanism changes
Simulation snapshots of (10, 10) CNT subject to compression Three different cases of interfaces in composites under compression. The first is neat and same as vanderWalls in composites. Next functionalized without matrix. Small difference due to stress raiser effect and hybridization induced geometric changes. The third localized deformation at the end and crushing with increase in energy absoption. Simulation snapshots of (10, 10) CNT subject to compression