The Crusades
Crusades The Crusades were a series of military expeditions launched by Christian Europe in an attempt to reclaim lost territory from the Muslims
Causes of the Crusades Muslim invasions of and attacks on Christian lands, especially Jerusalem Desire to spread and unite Christianity Desire to open up trade routes to the East Individuals hoped to gain land and riches Protection of Christian pilgrims headed to Jerusalem
Effects of the Crusades The Roman Catholic Church lost power and prestige Feudalism breaks down Attacks on Jews Increase in trade and technology Lasting tension between Christianity and Islam
First Crusade (1096-1099) Causes: Effects: Constantinople needed help fighting the Seljuk Turks Wanted to recapture Jerusalem Effects: 1. Only crusade that captured Jerusalem and the 400 miles between Edessa and Jerusalem
Second Crusade (1147-1149) Effects: 1. They were stopped in Antioch Causes: Keep Jerusalem and surrounding lands Pope promised forgiveness of sins 2nd and 3rd sons couldn’t inherit land, so crusaded to attain land of their own Effects: 1. They were stopped in Antioch 2. Muslims took control of Jerusalem
Third Crusade (1189-1192) Causes: Try to recapture Jerusalem Forgiveness of sins Land 3 Kings War- Philip II of France, Fredrich Barbosa of Germany, and Richard the Lionhearted of England all participated 1. Richard the Lionhearted made a truce with Saladin (a Turk leader) that Christians could visit their holy shrines in Jerusalem
Fourth Crusade (1202-1204) Causes: Try to recapture Jerusalem Forgiveness of sins Land Effects: Never reached Jerusalem, Crusaders sacked Constantinople Exposed Crusaders to new ideas Split Christian church Muslims controlled Jerusalem until 1948