Don’t write off coal amid the renewables boom Benjamin Sporton Chief Executive
A new global narrative on coal is needed
Urbanisation – a megatrend to watch
Urbanisation’s multiplier effect – steel and cement
That means coal has a role beyond electricity
The global coal fleet is at its youngest in decades
As electricity changes, coal retains an edge
Much more effort is needed to power up the planet 1.2 billion people worldwide live without access to electricity 2.7 billion rely on traditional fuels for cooking
The Paris Agreement includes low emissions coal
Don’t write off coal in India Coal “will remain and to continue to remain our mainstay and there was no such agreement in Paris that will stop us from continuing to encourage coal-based generation of power” Piyush Goyal former Minister of State for Power, Coal, New & Renewable Energy and Mines
Large-scale power generation will be a critical enabler of growth in India Electricity demand in India is expected to average 4.4% pa over the next 25 years Coal generation capacity more than doubles, while renewables also increase significantly to meet demand IEA indicates that maintaining an adequate electricity supply represents a significant investment challenge requiring $2 trillion (in 2013 dollars)
“Hamen nakli nahin, asli bijli chahiye” A bubble ready to burst?
High efficiency coal is part of the answer
HELE can become the global standard for coal Japan and China have been the most active in building USC plants J-Power upgraded their 1967 sub-critical Isogo 38% efficient coal-fired power plant to an USC 43% efficiency plant with SOx, NOx, PM reduced to less than 1/3 of previous levels China’s Ninghai plant has a capacity of 4,400MW and China is relying on these larger, advanced units for dispatch to displace higher emission from older, less efficient power stations The units have integrated advanced air quality control systems, yielding non-carbon air emissions well below China’s latest more stringent standards, and also below comparable standards in North America and Europe
HELE in India – meeting twin objectives
HELE in India – examining the impact
It’s time to forge a new alliance on cleaner coal