Holiday Cookie Contest Brianna, Julia, & Renae
Overview The Carrot Seed and The Brookings Register hold holiday cookie contest Recipes submissions will be sent to The event will take place 5-6:30 p.m. Nov. 30 in The Carrot Seed During Festival of Lights Out of the 10 finalists, three winners will be named, determined by voters Target audience: women 60 and older in the Brookings community Opportunity: engage with the community, bake and win prizes of value to audience Promotion will be done over social media, print ads and flyers
Prizes 1st Place: 2nd Place: 3rd Place: $100 Hy-Vee Gift Card 1 year subscription to the Brookings Register 2nd Place: $75 Hy-Vee Gift Card 1 year subscription to the Brookings Register 3rd Place: $50 Hy-Vee Gift Card 1 year subscription to the Brookings Register
Cookie contest timeline
Facebook Banner Ad A Facebook events page will be created for the event. We will ask The Brookings Register to share the event, as well as the Carrot Seed to promote engagement. Both of the business’s Facebook pages host of the Facebook event so it will show up on each of their pages.
Facebook Banner
Brookings Register Ad Our first Brookings Register ad will run daily from Nov. 6-20. Then, the second ad telling people to come and information will run Nov. 20 - 30.
Print Flyer We will have 2 different print flyer ads. We will print 30 flyers for both rounds. We will hang up the first 30 Nov. 8 and the second round Nov. 20. The ads will be hung up in downtown Brookings, SDSU campus, and around Chocolatte.
Instagram Ads Instagram will have the ads in the gallery as well as the Instagram story. We will use the same ad as a photo on the Instagram story. Viewers will sign up using the link provided on the Instagram home page. We will run the first Instagram Ad Nov. 8, 13, 15, 20. The second set will run 27 and 29.
Email Response for Submission-Nov. 9-20 Hi (name), Thank you for submitting your holiday cookie recipe to the 2nd Annual Holiday Cookie Contest. Finalists will be notified on Nov. 20 if you are in top 10. Please come out to support at the Carrot Seed from 5-6:30. Sincerely, The Cookie Team
Email Response for Finalist-Nov. 20 Hi (name), Your cookie recipe has been chosen as a top 10 finalist! The Holiday Cookie Contest is at the Carrot Seed from 5-6:30. You will need to drop off 2 dozen cookies from 3:30 to 4:30. Sincerely, The Cookie Team
Email Response for Participation-Dec. 1 Hi (name), Thank you for participating in the 2nd Annual Holiday Cookie Contest. Be sure to participate next year, and we hope your holidays are merry and bright! Sincerely, The Cookie Team
Media Presence Pictures of the Winners on Instagram Pictures of all the Finalists on Facebook Festival of Lights Snapchat A story will run in the Brookings Register on Dec. 1 about the winners featuring the top 3 cookie recipes. All top 10 recipes will go on the Brookings Register website.