When I Grow Up By: Francheska M 8F
Create a google slides that includes the following: 1/1 Title of project "When I grow up" 2/2 This checklist copy-pasted in slides, self-evaluation completed 1/1 Title of job #1 (I find interesting) 2/2 What does it take to get that job (education, experience) 3/3 What are some skills that would be helpful to have for this job? 1/1 Explain what that person "does all day" 2/2 Images to support
1/1 Title of job #2 (I find interesting) 2/2 What does it take to get that job (education, experience) 3/3 What are some skills that would be helpful to have for this job? 1/1 Explain what that person "does all day" 2/2 Images to support 1/1 Title of job #3 (I find less interesting, but would probably "pay the bills") 2/2 Images to support
Bonus points /Maximum 9pts (Video, embedded, start and end time for each) Total /30
Piano Teacher To become a piano teacher, I need to pass level 9 on at the Royal Conservatory of Music. It is a place where you take piano exams, and I am currently on level 3. The experience I will need to become a piano teacher will come from the exams I do every year. Some skills I need to become a piano teacher is good communication, patience, and be able to motivate people to practice in a kind way. Piano teachers spend time passing down their knowledge about the piano to other people. They prepare their students for recitals and exams, and teaching them how to practice at home.
1:03 - 1:45
Elementary Teacher To become a elementary teacher, I need to earn a bachelor's degree in education. I will also need to take history, math, writing, biology, physics, and chemistry. Being a camp counselor, sports coach, etc. would give me a great experience of how to deal with young people. Some skills that would be helpful for this job is patience, the ability to remain calm in stressful situations, and presentation skills. It’s pretty self explanatory of what a teacher does, teach. But teachers don’t just stand in front of the classroom explaining things to students. Teachers also help students that need the extra help, and motivate them to work hard. They create lesson plans, grade students, and attend various meetings as well.
1:22 - 2:57
Pharmacist To become a pharmacist, I need to take Chemistry, English, Biology, Biochemistry, Calculus, and Statistics. It is good to volunteer in jobs related to healthcare so I can learn about the field of this job. Some skills I need for this job is good communication, memorizing, attention to detail, and being able to work with computers. A pharmacist helps people about their medications, such as informing customers about what they need to take, the use, actions, and side effects of what they are taking. Pharmacists also counsel a patient regarding their medical conditions and how to take their medications.
0:00 - 0:44