ALTERNATE NOSTRIL BREATHING BREATHE ALTERNATE NOSTRIL BREATHING Sit in any comfortable seated position. Relax the body and breath naturally for a few moments, allowing your mind and body to settle. Rest your left hand on your lap or knee. Make a "peace sign" with your right hand. Fold the two extended fingers toward the palm or rest them lightly on the bridge of your nose. Place your thumb gently onto your right nostril. Place your ring and little fingers gently onto your left nostril. Close your eyes and begin by softly closing your right nostril (using your right thumb) and inhale slowly, deeply, smoothly, gently and without strain through your left nostril. Close your left nostril (using your ring and little fingers) and release closure of your right. Exhale through your right nostril. Inhale through your right nostril. Close your right nostril and release closure of your left. Exhale through your left nostril. This completes one round. Continue the pattern from steps 4-7 for as long as you wish. When you’re finished: relax both arms, sit and breathe naturally for a few moments before opening your eyes. Square Breathing in 4 Steps Breathe in through your nose for four counts. Pause/hold your breath for four counts. Exhale through your mouth for four counts. RESEARCH Zope SA, Zope RA. Sudarshan kriya yoga: Breathing for health. International Journal of Yoga. 2013;6(1):4-10. doi:10.4103/0973-6131.105935. Carter KS, Carter III R. Breath-based meditation: A mechanism to restore the physiological and cognitive reserves for optimal human performance. World Journal of Clinical Cases. 2016;4(4):99-102. doi:10.12998/wjcc.v4.i4.99. Sinha AN, Deepak D, Gusain VS. Assessment of the Effects of Pranayama/Alternate Nostril Breathing on the Parasympathetic Nervous System in Young Adults. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research : JCDR. 2013;7(5):821-823. doi:10.7860/JCDR/2013/4750.2948.