SEMESTER 1 2017-2018 Tuesdays, 4:30 - 5:45 pm, 8 West 3.22 3 October 2017: Ton Fijen, Technical Director, Tidal Lagoon Power - ‘Tidal lagoons from Swansea to fleet lagoons’ 17 October 2017: Peter Walker, Professor of Innovative Construction Materials, University of Bath - ‘Innovative eco-materials for better quality buildings’ 31 October 2017: Humphrey Cadoux Hudson CBE, Managing Director, Nuclear Development, EDF Energy - Title TBC 14 November 2017: Peter R Wilson, Professor of Electronic and Systems Engineering, University of Bath - ‘All electric aircraft – the future of aviation’ 28 November 2017: Bill David FRS, Senior STFC Research Fellow, ISIS Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell, and Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, University of Oxford - ‘Energy storage: from hearing-aids to hydropower’ 12 December 2017: Amelia Womack, Deputy Leader Green Party - ‘The politics of flooding’
SEMESTER 2 2017-2018 Tuesdays, 4:30 - 5:45 pm, 8 West 3.22 6 February 2018: Simon Roberts OBE, Chief Executive, Centre for Sustainable Energy, Bristol – Title TBC 20 February 2018: William Scott, Professor Emeritus, University of Bath & Paul Vare, University of Gloucestershire - 'The world we’ll leave behind: communicating complexity and hope‘ 6 March 2018: Chris Brace, Professor of Automotive Propulsion, University of Bath – Title TBC 20 March 2018: Peter P Edwards FRS, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Oxford - 'The continuing role of hydrocarbons and CO2 in any transition to a sustainable energy future‘ 10 April 2018: Sir Jonathon Porritt - Title TBC 24 April 2018: Iain Stewart MBE, Director of the Sustainable Earth Institute, Plymouth University – Title TBC