Analyze Driver Behavior Using Video Data By MD ABU SAYED
Presentation Outline Background of the Study Research Objectives Methodology Data Analysis Future Works
Background of the Study Driver Errors is responsible for more than 90% of crashes in U.S Speeding was a contributing factors of 30% of total crash in 2011
Research Objective How Video data can be used to extract behavioral data of individual driver. How Individual driver activities are related to his/her driving performance on the Road. How Extracted data can be used simultaneously with the realtime data.
Methodology Environment setup for Primary Data Collection Database integration Data extraction Data Analysis
Environment setup for Primary Data Collection Hardware Setup: iPhone 6s as Front camera iPhone 6 as outside camera An Stopwatch which helped to integrate two separate Video data Toyota Campy XLE 2004 A laptop Software Setup: Python 2.7, OpenCV(Computer Vision)
Data Extraction
Driver Behaviors Movement of Head over times Angle in Degree Time(number of Frame)
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