Consensus driven Decision An EmpFinesseTM Intelligent Business System Solution
Business Context Business Scenario Resolutions Offered Decision is often made by Top Management without considering the consensus in Enterprise Decision when not unanimous is generally not accepted and adopted easily within organization Lack of Transparency in a decision making is often questioned by internal user communities Most of the times, decisions are made by instinct or mutual discussion i.e. completely in a qualitative way which induce a lot of subjectivity in decision making Resolutions Offered Empowerment of common employees has been ensured using Consensus driven Decision mechanism Decision is not recommended by any individual rather calculated based on a inherent algorithm to share an impartial point of view on the topic under decision process Approach being quantitative is definite objective in nature to justify the same to respective stakeholders
Technology Perspective Architecture Software and Tools Dot Net 4.5 SQL Azure MVC Framework Vis.JS Web API 2.0 Output Format MVC Services Decision Chart
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