Hiteons Biggest Fundraiser Supports: Art Lit Bingo Night Family Dance iPads – Technology Class Parties! GOALGOAL $41,000
Top fundraiser in the school Will be Principal for a Day (lunch included) Receives a $75 gift certificate of choice Receives a Race of Wonders Fun Run T-shirt
Top fundraiser in each grade Receives a $25 gift certificate of choice Receives a Race of Wonders Fun Run T-shirt
Top runner in each class/grade Receives a certificate of honor (boy and girl from each class) Will participate in the Water Balloon Toss on Field Day The top runner in each grade will also receive a Race of Wonders Fun Run T-Shirt
Top 3 money raising classrooms Receive a Movie Party with popcorn and candy
All students who return their envelope packet on or before Fun Run Day will receive a lollipop. All participants in the Fun Run will receive an Otter Pop at the end of their run.
Fundraisers who collect $100 or more in donations will receive a Race of Wonders Fun Run T-Shirt. Fundraisers who collect $25 or more in donations will receive cumulative chances at having their name drawn for Wonderful prizes
1st $25 raised = 1 entry into a drawing for: Prizes of Grandeur (16 total awarded)
2nd $25 raised = 1 entry into a drawing for: Prizes of Splendor (8 total awarded) Bean Bag Chair (Not pictured)
3rd $25 raised = 1 entry into a drawing for: Prizes of Magnificence (4 total awarded)
4th $25 raised = 1 entry into a drawing for: Prizes of Opulence (2 total awarded)
Kinder – North America First Grade – Europe Second Grade – Asia Third Grade – Oceana Fourth Grade – Africa Each Classroom K-5 picked a wonder to inspire their class Fun Run name and banner
List of Wonders by Grade/Class Kindergarten – North America GriffithsChichen Itza RogersNiagara Falls SonnenStatue of Liberty StrubGolden Gate Bridge 1 st Grade – Europe JonesStonehenge HassoldLeaning Tower of Pisa NaceEiffel Tower WalkerThe Colosseum 2 nd Grade – Asia Brooks/SchmidtChocolate Hills CarltonGreat Wall of China ChristensonTaj Mahal MadduxDead Sea 3 rd Grade – Oceania CastorKakadu National Park HastingsGreat Barrier Reef SnellUluru WongSydney Opera House 4 th Grade – Africa ChelfMt. Kilimanjaro FoutsAbu Simbel MarrNgorongoro Crater PaxsonGreat Pyramid of Giza 5 th Grade – South America ChamberlinAmazon Rainforest HumphreyAngel Falls KlingnerMachu Picchu SteiwerEaster Island
Mrs. Rogers Class
Mrs. Sonnens Class
Mrs. Strubs Class
Mrs. Griffiths Class
Mrs. Hassolds Class
Mrs. Naces Class
Mrs. Jones Class
Miss Walkers Class
Mrs. Brooks/Schmidts Class
Mrs. Christensons Class
Mrs. Carltons Class
Mrs. Madduxs Class
Mrs. Hastings Class
Ms. Wongs Class
Mrs. Snells Class
Mrs. Castors Class
Miss. Marrs Class
Mrs. Fouts Class
Mrs. Chelfs Class
Mrs. Paxsons Class
Mrs. Klingners Class
Mr. Chamberlins Class
Mr. Steiwers Class
Mrs. Humphreys Class