Author 1 (Affiliation), Author 2 (Affiliation), Author 3 (Affiliation) Title of your demo Author 1 (Affiliation), Author 2 (Affiliation), Author 3 (Affiliation)
Motivation In one slide, provide a background and explain the motivation for solving the problem that you are addressing in your work
Problem Description In one slide, describe the technical problem you are addressing – provide links to at most 3 existing solutions and bring out how your solution is an improvement of existing solutions
Solution (1 of …) In 3 to 4 slides, summarize the salient points of your solution to the problem, highlighting your innovation; you may include one or more of the following: a picture of your demo a link to a video of your demo 1 or 2 plots/tables to bring out the efficiency of solution
Conclusions Highlight one or two conclusions about your work – how your solution is superior in terms of cost, power, efficiency, etc.
References List 2 or 3 key references for your work – provide the name, place of publication, year of publication, e.g. K. Namuduri, When Disaster Strikes, Flying Cell Towers Could Aid Search and Rescue, IEEE Spectrum, Aug 2017
General Guidelines Do not use fonts smaller than 18pt Do not borrow any content without acknowledging If your demo is accepted, you are expected to set up a demo at the conference site; you must bring all the hardware and software necessary to set up the demo