GOAL Access and Address Visibility
Trimming Around Driveway Grinding stumps after trees were cut down
Before After 14 feet wide 16 feet high
Address Visibility: The goal with regard to address visibility is having your property readily identified in case of an emergency. Current Hedgesville WV Volunteer Fire and Rescue recommendation for a compliant address sign are: Sign standing 3 feet high from the ground up. Sign with 3 inch high (or better) reflective numbers and/or letters. Visibility from either entrance to the property (right or left – numbers on each side of the sign) Adherence to this simple request could make the difference between life and death with regard to fire and rescue.
Berkeley County Commission for 911 Address Ordinance Signage: {Section 12 of the Berkeley County Commission for 9ll Address Ordinance states the street address numbers for residences shall be in accordance with The BOCA, International Residential Code, National Property Maintenance Code, Section PM-304.3, Exterior Structure, Street Numbers. The numbers shall be in arabic numerals, at least 3 inches in height, and of durable clearly visible material. The numbers shall be placed on, above or at the side of the main entrance so the number is visible from public right-of-way. Whenever a residence entrance is not visible from the public right-of-way, the number shall be placed along a driveway, or property entrance. Address numbers are to be of contrasting color to the background on which they are mounted. } Below, the non-compliant sign identifies the house but emergency personnel could not see it from the road. In addition, it is giving lot number not the 911 assigned address. This is not compliant with International Residential Code 319.1, adopted by Berkeley County. Non-compliant Compliant
WHOA Firewise Committee Recommendation for Home Identification: MUST post the GIVEN 911 address on sign Two sided sign (visible from either side of road) 3 inch high and at least ½ inch wide REFLECTIVE numbers The height requirement is, in part, guided by snow fall. Numbers section of sign HORIZONTAL on pole: Pole/post standing at least 4 feet from ground up, having a horizontal sign w/ numbers attached to the top of the 4 foot sign, as demonstrated in following pictures. Numbers section of sign VERTICAL on pole: Pole/post standing at least 4 feet from ground up, having a vertical sign w/ numbers attached starting at the 3 foot mark of the post, as demonstrated in following pictures. Install sign on property, facing the driveway, on the left hand side. The sign needs to be easily visible from the road, but not so close from either side that it will be in the way of large trucks entering the driveway or as to interfere with snow plows or road work. 15 feet from driveway and edge of road is a best guess estimate. Positioning the sign will vary from house to house so we advise, when in doubt, Call a Firewise Committee for advise on positioning your sign or questions. Your Committee can also recommend a Professional to install your sign, if needed..
Houses that are particularly hidden. These need to be very clearly marked, so as not be missed by Fire Service. Shared Driveway (3 houses off this driveway) Cul-de-sac – only one way in so sign must face forward toward that road. In these instances, we recommend you call a Firewise Committee member for assistance. Without a good sign, this house is invisible to Fire Service. Placing the sign appropriately will vary from house to house. These are just a few instances where you might need to vary the recommendation: Shared access driveways (not named road). Several houses may share a small access driveway, but each will have their own short driveways. The one driveway at the road, must identify all house numbers, then each house must have their own sign designation. Areas where the sign MUST be straight ahead because there is no other angle presented to the fire service vehicles, from the road. WHOA Firewise Committee Recommendation for Home Identification:
Clearly Visible Address Sign (going across top of post): Post is 4 feet tall from ground Address is two sided, seen from both sides of street. Reflective numbers on top of sign, AT LEAST 3 inches high, and ½ inch wide stroke Facing your home, install sign on the left side of driveway approximately 15 feet straight back from road. Make sure shrubs, trees, etc. are trimmed so the sign will be visible from road, but not so close to the road that it would interfere with snow plows or road work.
Clearly Visible Address Sign (going up and down on post): Post is 4 feet tall from ground Address is two sided, seen from both sides of street. Reflective numbers on top of sign, AT LEAST 3 inches high, and ½ inch wide stroke Facing your home, install sign on the left side of driveway approximately 15 feet straight back from road. Make sure shrubs, trees, etc. are trimmed so the sign will be visible from road, but not so close to the road that it would interfere with snow plows or road work. 1 ft 2 ft 3 ft 4 ft
EXAMPLE OF 911 SIGNAGE 15 feet from road Post is 4 feet high, from ground, With sign on top 15 feet from driveway Sign is actually sideways, facing the driveway. Numbers are on each side of sign and can be seen from either direction the fire truck might come. Fire Department will come from one direction and turn left into driveway Fire Department will come from another direction and turn right into driveway
EXAMPLE OF 911 SIGNAGE 15 feet from road Post is 4 feet high, from ground, With sign on top 15 feet from driveway Sign is actually sideways, facing the driveway. Numbers are on each side of sign and can be seen from either direction the fire truck might come. Numbers visible from right side of road Numbers visible from left side of road