AEM and State Policy: A Q&A Discussion SETDA Connects Brown Bag Webinar August 17, 2018 Cynthia Curry, Director, National Center on Accessible Educational Materials @AEM_Center @clcurry
Poll: What is your professional role? @AEM_Center | #aem4all
Chat: What does A11Y mean to you? @AEM_Center | #aem4all
Two Common Meanings of “Accessibility” Accessible as it relates to all learners, including students with disabilities @AEM_Center | #aem4all
Navigating the Digital Shift Accessibility for All Students Providing accessibility for all students must be a consideration when acquiring, developing and implementing digital instructional materials. Equity of Access Access to the devices and consistent high- speed broadband access is essential for digital instructional materials implementation. @AEM_Center | #aem4all
Functional Definition equally effective, equally integrated, with substantially equivalent ease of use acquire the same information engage in the same interactions enjoy the same services A person with a disability can as a person without a disability @AEM_Center | #aem4all
Accessible Materials and Technologies Information or content Designed or enhanced in a way that makes them usable by the widest possible range of learner variability regardless of format Print, digital, graphical, audio, video Accessible Technologies Hardware of software that delivers material Usable by people with a wide range of abilities and disabilities Directly usable without assistive technology (AT) or usable with it @AEM_Center
Material-Technology in Accessible Harmony Students read accessible ebooks on accessible tablets with built-in options for access: Screen reader Text to speech Display customization Bluetooth-enabled Closed captions Video description @AEM_Center
Interoperability with Assistive Technology (AT) Georgia Tech Access4Kids Pressure sensor- can be activated by a light force or a heavy force Researchers at Georgia Tech are trying to open the world of tablets to children whose limited mobility makes it difficult for them to perform the common pinch and swipe gestures required to control tablets. Ayanna Howard, professor of electrical and computer engineering, and graduate student Hae Won Park have created Access4Kids, a wireless input device that uses a sensor system to translate physical movements into fine-motor gestures to control a tablet. @AEM_Center
Chat: How does this definition align with what A11Y means to you Chat: How does this definition align with what A11Y means to you? How does it not? @AEM_Center | #aem4all
Stories Image to the right: @AEM_Center | #aem4all
AEM Center Resources: Procurement AEM Center website link: Acquisition of AEM @AEM_Center | #aem4all
AEM Center Resources: Creation AEM Center website link: Creating AEM @AEM_Center | #aem4all
AEM Center Resources: Quality Indicators AEM Center website link: Quality Indicators with Critical Components @AEM_Center | #aem4all
CAST Figuration: A Free Framework for Accessible Websites Open source CSS/Javascript framework for creating accessible, cross-device, interactive websites. Figuration contains styles for text and buttons; interactive elements such as menus, tabs, sliders, and modal dialogs; column and grid layouts that adapt to the screen and device in use; color schemes that pass WCAG contrast checks; and advanced components such as HTML5 audio and video players with interactive captions. @AEM_Center | #aem4all
Poll: How useful are these resources for your work? @AEM_Center | #aem4all
Chat: What can the AEM Center do to support the improvement of A11Y in your state/local policies and practices? @AEM_Center | #aem4all
Thank You AEM Center @AEM_Center The AEM Center is funded under a cooperative agreement with the US Department of Education, #H327Z140001. However, you should not assume endorsement of the content of this presentation by the Federal Government. Project Officer, Tara Courchaine, Ed.D. @AEM_Center | #aem4all