Division of Continuing Education April 2014 Lori Fasbinder, Ed.D Dean of Instruction & Student Services
New State Funding for CE: AB86 Elementary and secondary basic skills, including classes required for a high school diploma or GED Classes and courses for immigrants in citizenship, ESL and workforce preparation Education programs for adults with disabilities Short-term career technical education programs with high employment potential Programs for apprentices funds to regional consortium to create and implement a plan to better provide adults in its region with all of the following:
RSCCD Consortium Members: RSCCD: SAC and SCC Orange Unified School District Santa Ana Unified School District Partners: Orange County Department of Education Garden Grove Unified School District RSCCD consortium has began the planning process to improve adult education in the region.
How is Noncredit Different? Course Outline of Record Curriculum approved by local Board of Trustees and approved by the State Chancellor’s Office Different teaching minimum qualifications Generates lower revenue from the State Faculty are generally paid lower salaries Specific categories of instruction No units and credits given No enrollment fee
Noncredit Categories English as a Second Language (ESL) Immigrant Education Elementary and Secondary Basic Skills Health and Safety Substantial Disabilities Parenting Home Economics Courses for Older Adults Short-term Vocational Workforce Preparation
Career Development and College Preparation (CDCP) Certificates Higher noncredit funding formula Elementary and Secondary Basic Skills English as a Second Language Short Term Vocational Education with High Employment Potential Workforce Preparation
Recent Student Incident The student: Attended nine days class Stole school property, cheated on tests, threatened teacher Directed to CE counselor and CE dean Administrative drop from classes Juvenile record and a current warrant History of making threats, but not following through with any action
Crime Safety Reporting: Occurred in the presence of District Safety Officer OPD arrived; police report was filed Student’s activities were reviewed on camera Student blocked from registering at SCC/SAC District hired private investigator OPD detective - filed a report with DA’s office
Steps to Ensure Safety Photo of CE students required at enrollment Timely dissemination of information regarding criminal activity and safety to all campus personnel (including photo ID picture) Blocking the offender's ability to register to include a notice to contact District Safety and/or Orange Police Department
Renovation of Orange Education Center No litigation pending for any parties involved Timeline estimated at 30 months February 27 - initial programming planning meeting with reps from all stakeholders and architects CE departments submitting programming plans Departments meeting one-on-one with the architects
CE Future Plans at SCC CE Counseling Courses that articulate CE students into college credit classes and programs: Adult Basic Education (K-8) High School Diploma Program (9-12) GED Preparation CTE Business Skills In the past, CE offered ABE, HSS and Business Skills courses at the Academic Success Center.