Community Pharmacy: in support of Primary Care Clusters


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Presentation transcript:

Community Pharmacy: in support of Primary Care Clusters COMMUNITY PHARMACY: IN SUPPORT OF PRIMARY CARE CLUSTERS – Contractor Evenings October 2015 Community Pharmacy: in support of Primary Care Clusters Presentation is designed to be an overview of how community pharmacy can support and become integrated within Primary care clusters. Intention is to look at the identified needs/ targets of the cluster and be solution focused as to how community pharmacy can support those needs, in particular outlining activities that can decrease GP workload. The Face & Voice of Community Pharmacies in Wales Wyneb a llais o fferyllfeydd cymunedol yng Nghymru

Welsh Community Pharmacy Basics COMMUNITY PHARMACY: IN SUPPORT OF PRIMARY CARE CLUSTERS Welsh Community Pharmacy Basics 717 community pharmacies 35 million patient visits each year 74 million prescriptions dispensed 96% of pharmacies have private consultation rooms Right number of pharmacies in the right places The Face & Voice of Community Pharmacies in Wales Wyneb a llais o fferyllfeydd cymunedol yng Nghymru

Welsh Pharmacy Contract COMMUNITY PHARMACY: IN SUPPORT OF PRIMARY CARE CLUSTERS Welsh Pharmacy Contract Three Tier Contract Essential Services Advanced Services Enhanced Services Changes to Funding 2017/18 Pharmacy Quality Programme Collaborative Working Dispensing RD Support for Self care Signposting Public Health Promotion Disposal of waste medicines Clinical Governance The Face & Voice of Community Pharmacies in Wales Wyneb a llais o fferyllfeydd cymunedol yng Nghymru

Community Pharmacies Can Help COMMUNITY PHARMACY: IN SUPPORT OF PRIMARY CARE CLUSTERS Community Pharmacies Can Help Helping People Live Healthier Lives Supporting People to Self Care Supporting People to live independently Optimising use of medicines The Face & Voice of Community Pharmacies in Wales Wyneb a llais o fferyllfeydd cymunedol yng Nghymru

Batch Repeat Dispensing – Essential Service COMMUNITY PHARMACY: IN SUPPORT OF PRIMARY CARE CLUSTERS Batch Repeat Dispensing – Essential Service Reduces GP Practice Workload Synchronisation Identifies non-adherence Compliance aids Service has just been relaunched GP Resource – GP-One Website Explain Repeat Dispensing – just relaunched The Face & Voice of Community Pharmacies in Wales Wyneb a llais o fferyllfeydd cymunedol yng Nghymru

Supporting Patients to Self Care – Essential Service COMMUNITY PHARMACY: IN SUPPORT OF PRIMARY CARE CLUSTERS Supporting Patients to Self Care – Essential Service Existing Services Self Care Advice Signposting to other healthcare providers (contractual obligation) Over the Counter Sales The Face & Voice of Community Pharmacies in Wales Wyneb a llais o fferyllfeydd cymunedol yng Nghymru

Supporting People to Live Healthier Lives COMMUNITY PHARMACY: IN SUPPORT OF PRIMARY CARE CLUSTERS Supporting People to Live Healthier Lives Healthy Lifestyle Advice NHS Dispensing & MUR Services Six Public Health Campaigns per year Locally Commissioned NHS Services Stop Smoking Substance Misuse Flu Vaccination Emergency Contraception Public health campaigns form part of community pharmacy contract – currently 3 are national campaigns with up to 3 organised by the LHBs – potentially in future the LHB campaigns could be done at cluster levels. The Face & Voice of Community Pharmacies in Wales Wyneb a llais o fferyllfeydd cymunedol yng Nghymru

Supporting Independent Living COMMUNITY PHARMACY: IN SUPPORT OF PRIMARY CARE CLUSTERS Supporting Independent Living Support for ordering repeat medicines Provision of Multi-Compartment Compliance Aids & Reminder Charts Medicines Delivery Services (not contractual) The Face & Voice of Community Pharmacies in Wales Wyneb a llais o fferyllfeydd cymunedol yng Nghymru

Advanced Services Any pharmacy can provide if accredited: COMMUNITY PHARMACY: IN SUPPORT OF PRIMARY CARE CLUSTERS Advanced Services Any pharmacy can provide if accredited: Medicines Use Reviews Discharge Medicines Service 70% of Medicines use reviews are required to be in targeted groups, these include respiratory patients and additional services have been developed in some LHB areas (or this LHB area…… expand as required) The Face & Voice of Community Pharmacies in Wales Wyneb a llais o fferyllfeydd cymunedol yng Nghymru

The Local Position number Community Pharmacies across LHB COMMUNITY PHARMACY: IN SUPPORT OF PRIMARY CARE CLUSTERS The Local Position number Community Pharmacies across LHB Consultation Rooms in almost all Number NHS commissioned enhanced services available which could be further utilised to : Take pressure off GP Services Help Improve Health & Wellbeing across ABMU Discussion about the specific primary care cluster presenting to. The Face & Voice of Community Pharmacies in Wales Wyneb a llais o fferyllfeydd cymunedol yng Nghymru

Existing NHS Services available in LHB COMMUNITY PHARMACY: IN SUPPORT OF PRIMARY CARE CLUSTERS The Local Position Existing NHS Services available in LHB Enhanced Services amend as commissioned by LHB/cluster area Stop Smoking Services Needle & Syringe Exchange Supervised Consumption EHC Flu Vaccination Emergency Medicines OOH Supply Service MAR Chart Services Flu vaccination Palliative Care Services Advice to Care Homes Rota Common Ailments Service Explanation of what is there currently – all funded by NHS. Briefly touch on what the services are. The Face & Voice of Community Pharmacies in Wales Wyneb a llais o fferyllfeydd cymunedol yng Nghymru

Choose Pharmacy IT Platform COMMUNITY PHARMACY: IN SUPPORT OF PRIMARY CARE CLUSTERS Choose Pharmacy IT Platform Installation of the IT Platform known as Choose Pharmacy Common Ailments Scheme (CAS) DMR Flu EHC EMS Explanation of new IT platform; NADEX security features; what is available currently via that platform in your cluster area – all funded by NHS. Check current position on access to Welsh GP record. The Face & Voice of Community Pharmacies in Wales Wyneb a llais o fferyllfeydd cymunedol yng Nghymru

COMMUNITY PHARMACY: IN SUPPORT OF PRIMARY CARE CLUSTERS Working with Clusters Work with cluster pharmacist to identify patients suitable for Repeat Dispensing Promote within GP practice the pharmacy services which could reduce unscheduled care burden Rota EHC Palliative Care schemes CAS Signposting to pharmacy services which aid healthy lifestyle choices Smoking Cessation How community pharmacy could support the cluster on their identified priorities. These were all cluster priorities stated by a cluster. Other clusters – dementia, alcohol, obesity – all give potential for other options. Plus some clusters have serious difficulties with GP numbers so services that support GPs such as INR testing, Common ailments, triage and treat may be of interest The Face & Voice of Community Pharmacies in Wales Wyneb a llais o fferyllfeydd cymunedol yng Nghymru

Collaborative Working 2017/18 COMMUNITY PHARMACY: IN SUPPORT OF PRIMARY CARE CLUSTERS Collaborative Working 2017/18 To encourage community pharmacy in Wales to engage with primary care cluster and develop and improve collaborative working relationships with Gps and other healthcare professionals Priority Areas: Repeat/Batch Dispensing Repeat Prescribing Common Ailments Flu Discharge Medicine Reviews Clusters Concentrate on areas of importance to you See slides on Collaborative working for clusters for further information and slides The Face & Voice of Community Pharmacies in Wales Wyneb a llais o fferyllfeydd cymunedol yng Nghymru

How do GPs think we could work together? COMMUNITY PHARMACY: IN SUPPORT OF PRIMARY CARE CLUSTERS Working with Clusters How do GPs think we could work together? How community pharmacy could support the cluster on their identified priorities. These were all cluster priorities stated by a cluster. Other clusters – dementia, alcohol, obesity – all give potential for other options. Plus some clusters have serious difficulties with GP numbers so services that support GPs such as INR testing, Common ailments, triage and treat may be of interest The Face & Voice of Community Pharmacies in Wales Wyneb a llais o fferyllfeydd cymunedol yng Nghymru