Super-KEKB Collaboration


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Presentation transcript:

Super-KEKB Collaboration 2nd Open Meeting of the Super-KEKB Collaboration March 17-19, 2009 3-gokan, Seminar Hall KEK

Welcome !

Super-KEKB Collaboration Long way to come here Beyond 1034 e+e- workshop (2000.6) 1st Super-KEKB workshop (2001.8)6th (2004.11) Joint Super B Factory workshop in Hawaii (2004.1)2nd (2005.4) B Factories and New Measurements (2006.9)3rd (2008.1) 1st Open meeting for the proto-collaboration (2008.3) 2nd Open meeting for the proto-collaboration (2008.7) 1st Open meeting of the Super-KEKB collaboration (2008.12) E.O.I from 42 inst. 1st IB meeting today Chair: Leo Piilonen Let’s take a picture like this with Kobayashi-san.

High Energy Physics in the Next Decade Energy frontier experiments LHC, ILC, … LHC ILC Higgs, SUSY, Dark matter, New understanding of space-time… B Factories, LHCb, K exp., nEDM etc. KEKB upgrade CP asymmetry, Baryogenesis, Left-right symmetry, New sources of flavor mixing… New particles and new interactions Three approaches to New Physics n exp., m LFV, t LFV, gm-2, 0nbb … Neutrino mixing/masses, Lepton number non-conservation… J-PARC Lepton physics Quark flavor physics

Summary of KEK Roadmap J-PARC KEKB Photon Factory ERL R&D 1st results 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 operation & completion of 1st goal J-PARC power upgrade upgrading to Super-KEKB KEKB Photon Factory & upgrade operation continue R&D and compact ERL ERL R&D construction operation 1st results LHC LHC upgrade ILC R&D TDP1 lots and lots of R&D’s TDP2 6

Luminosity Prospect Physics with O(1010) B & t 50ab-1 by ~2020 X50 present Physics with O(1010) B & t also D L~8x1035 cm-2s-1 3year shutdown for upgrade

Physics Reach at Super-KEKB/Belle (~0.5ab-1) 5ab-1 50ab-1 DS(fK0) 0.22 0.073 0.029 DS(h’K0) 0.11 0.038 0.020 DS(KSKSKS) 0.33 0.105 0.037 DS(KSp0g) 0.32 0.10 0.03 Br(Xsg) 13% ACP(Xsg) 0.058 0.01 0.005 C9 [AFB(K*ll)] --- 11% 4% C10 [AFB(K*ll)] Br(B+ → K+nn) <9Br(SM) 33ab-1 for 5s discovery Br(B+ →tn) 3.5s 10% 3% Br(B+ →mn) <2.4Br(SM) 4.3ab-1 for 5s discovery Br(B+ → Dtn) 7.9% 2.5% Br(t →mg) <45 <30 <8 Br(t →mh) <65 <20 <4 Br(t → 3m) <209 <10 <1 Dsin2f1 0.026 0.016 0.012 DF2 (rp) 68°ー95° 3° 1° DF3( Dalitz) 20° 7° 2.5° DVub (incl.) 7.3% 6.6% 6.1% 0.01 0.1 0.3 0.03 Deviation from SM 1 10 100 Integ. luminosity (ab-1) Present exp. limits 5ab-1 50ab-1 CP asymmetry in B→KKK, fK and h’K       ■   ●      ★ (3s discovery lim.) Search for H± in B→tn 50ab-1 assume 5s discovery Sharpening your eyes where to look Hints for NP workshop Integ. Lum.( ab-1 ) Reach of B factories Upgraded KEKB Upper limits CKM at 50ab-1 X10-9 Physics at Super B Factory (hep-ex/0406071) being updated.

SuperKEKB will reach 8 × 1035 cm-2s-1 Crab crossing New IR b*y = σz = 3 mm SuperKEKB Crab cavities installed and undergoing testing in beam e+ 9.4 A e- 4.1 A Studies also for low-emittance scheme has started. Dampiing ring The superconducting cavities will be upgraded to absorb more higher-order mode power up to 50 kW. The state-of-art ARES copper cavities will be upgraded with higher energy storage ratio to support higher current. Higher current More RF New vacuum system + Linac upgrade The beam pipes and all vacuum components will be replaced with higher-current design. will reach 8 × 1035 cm-2s-1

Super-Belle (Baseline) ECL Wave sampling + pure CsI crystal(endcap) PID Threshold Aerogel + TOF → TOP + Aerogel-RICH KL/m detection RPC → Scintillator +SiPM(endcap) Final design ? How do we decide, and when ? CDC Super small cell Longer lever arm New Dead time free readout and high speed computing systems SVD 4-lyr DSSD → 2-lyr. DEPFET pixel + 4-lyr DSSD

Time Line We need make clear the Time line / Milestone Near-term plan (preliminary) Detector proposals (by summer 2009). The final detector design by Dec. 2009. Detector proposals Internal review TDR Actions to invite new collaborators Kick-off meeting (Dec 08) 2009 4 7 1 2 10 3 5 8 9 11 12 6 2008 2010 KEKB operation We need make clear the Time line / Milestone (also for accelerator design)

We must get ready before the G-Light ! Accelerator High current scheme or Low emittance scheme Detector Finalization of detector design Organization Collaboration name ? Funding Phyiscs Photodetector for E-PID Need determine the time line

Enjoy !