Welcome To Ridgecrest!
Mrs. Lewis-Wang’s Credentials Masters Degree In Music Education and Music Performance from the University of Southern California School of Music And School of Music Education 2 Bachelor Arts Degrees, one in Music, and one in Psychology from the University of Vermont. Teaching Credential from National University. 16 Years of Teaching at Ridgecrest Intermediate School.
Music Expectations Matrix Raiders: Be Respectful! Show Integrity! Be SaFe! Music Expectations Matrix Be Respectful Enter Class using appropriate language, without excessive talking, or yelling, unless it is necessary. Be considerate. At the beginning of class get ready, throughout the class listen to teacher; follow your teacher’s directions and requests, play your own instrument. During class time, no use of Cell Phones, or I-Pads without permission. Be considerate of others in your group. Observe Concert Etiquette and (RIS) when listening to others play/perform. Show Integrity Be on task making an effort to learn. Come to class prepared. Show Academic Integrity for all work. Be Safe No Gum and Follow The Dress Code Obey emergency procedures, remaining in your assigned location, keep hands and feet to yourself. Clean up your personal space, putting instruments away at the end of class.
Advanced Band
Advanced Orchestra
6th Grade Concert Band!
Concert Band Fun!
CIVA (Creative Instrumental and Vocal Arts) First Trimester General Music with Singing Second Trimester Ukulele’s with and Without Vocals Third Trimester student choice on an instrument
CIVA(Creative Instrumental and Vocal Arts)
6th Grade Concert Orchestra
WEBSITES USED Aeries, EDLIO, One Note, EDMODO, Musictheory.net, Shutterfly, SheetMusicPlus, and Youtube.
Grading Participation Points, Practice, and Performances Practice-60-100 minutes per week, with a designated goal. Periodic Quizzes-Covering material presented in class. Chair Checks-that demonstrate understanding of either on music fundamentals, or designated measures in our pieces to make sure students are practicing. In Class Worksheets, Sectionals, Projects.
High School Invitational Will Be on October 13th
Orchestra Festival will be on Wednesday, October 25th
Skills Musicianship-Note Reading, Key Signatures, Music Theory, Notation, Rhythm Training And Music History. Music Performance-Students will play/sing a wide variety of music from Renaissance Period to the 21st Century. Students will learn about Articulations and how to do them and learn about Advanced techniques such as Vibrato (CO, AO). Strings in Concert Orchestra will be learning 3rd position, 5th and higher. In Concert Band Winds will learn Advanced Techniques of Multiple Tonguing.
21st Century Skills
Concert Report Each class will complete a Concert Report during the school year. The assignment is worth 100 points. The font size needs to be 12. Spacing can either be single, or double spaced. Please include a program and ticket stub, if you have one. A Concert Report is where you attend a concert as an audience member and write a one page report. In the report you can include who attended the concert, of what the program consisted, who were the performers. You could also include what your favorite piece was and why. Other areas to include what was the genre of the music performed? Was the music performed Jazz, Popular, Musical, Symphonic, or Classical, Movie, or Musical Theater ? For your conclusion make sure you finish leaving the reader with satisfied sense of the end.
Mrs. Lewis-Wang’s Practice Tips 60-100 minutes weekly Break up your practicing into: Warm-ups, techniques, and then Pieces, And then when you get bored with this mix it all around! Avoid Marathon Practice Sessions. Try to spread out your practicing Practice with Metronome abd Record Yourself and self-critique. Practice with a DVD from our method book to make practicing the method book more fun. Practice with a fellow student. Listen to the piece we are playing, or singing on You Tube or SheetMusic plus. Listen to other performers at a live concert, or through CDs, or DVDs. Practice Projects where students tape themselves and then email me their videos for comments.
Ridgecr RIS Band and Orchestra Shirtest Band and Orchestra Shirt
Elementary Tour
FESTIVAL Concert Band Concert Orchestra Advanced Band Advanced Orchestra
Parent Volunteers Parent Volunteers will be needed for Field Trips and for Concert supervision during Performances. Here are some of the things we need help With: Carpooling, Concert Supervision, Taking Pictures, Refreshments Donations plus Distribution Assistance.
Thank you For Coming! Go Raiders! We look forward to a GREAT school year!