Back to School Dana Maczuga
Drama GOALS: develop a working theatre vocabulary participate in sound and movement exercises and improvisations rehearse and perform assigned and independently selected scenes and monologues Study history, directing, design (costumes, sets, lighting, props, etc.), and career possibilities constructively critique classmates and self
Drama MATERIALS: -Pencils & highlighter -Charged RD lap-top with case -Notebook or binder with paper -Folder -Miscellaneous prop or costume items as needed
Drama Laptops Must be fully charged each night Must be used according to district guidelines 1st-warning 2nd-loss of privileges for the period 3rd- laptop confiscated and reported to office
“The dog ate my homework!” Drama “But my laptop broke!” is the new “The dog ate my homework!” If work is lost, damaged, or corrupted on the laptop, and no back-up copies of the file have been made, the student will receive a zero. Technological issues will not be accepted as excuses, and no students will receive the opportunity to make up the work as a result. Students MUST be diligent about saving their work using email, the Y:/ drive, or a USB to prevent this from happening!
Drama Grading Total points system Individual tasks will be assigned individual values. Assignment Categories Tests/Projects Quizzes Writing Classwork/Homework
Drama Late work policy: NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED
Drama Course Requirements Be prepared- With scripts With props & costumes With lines memorized With pencils With laptops
Drama Course Requirements Attendance -If a student cuts, he will not be permitted to make up any work missed and will receive a zero for the day. -If absent, students are responsible for finding out what they missed and making up missed work. -Check Schoolwires, contact me by email, or contact a classmate. Making up work: Email any work due on the day you are absent. 24 hours to make up missed class work. Make up tests, quizzes and presentations the day you return.
Drama Course Requirements Have a good attitude Keep an open mind Be willing to learn and try new things and last, but not least . . .
Drama RESPECT Speaking in front of an audience is not easy for many people regardless of experience or knowledge. We are all vulnerable at these times so BE KIND, be considerate of others feelings and opinions, be supportive and constructive when critiquing each other, be quiet when others are speaking, and treat everyone the way you would like to be treated. Respect each other, respect your teacher, and respect the process of the work we are doing. ANYTHING LESS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!
Drama How to get a good grade: Participate frequently and enthusiastically Be well-rehearsed and well-prepared Do your very best work Be nice
Drama Extra Help I want all of my students to do well and I am here to help! If students need extra help with anything, they must let me know as soon as possible. I am available every day at lunch except Thursday and every day after school except Wednesday.
How to Reach Me