Andrew Jackson Strategic Planning NHS Lothian
Escalation All System Escalation Teleconference with community GP Alert Community Beds & Access Unified coordination 7 days a week.
Prediction Electives Minimising bed use for electives at emergency peak Systemwatch Best Practice: “NHS Lothian used Systemwatch as early as September to predict activity levels in January…….” Predictions Best Practice: “Both NHS Lothian and NHS Lanarkshire have discharge predictors …..”
Staffing Rostering Agreement to match staff to activity (to be rostered November or before) OOH rotas Being Compiled currently
Discharges EDD, Home Packages and Rapid Response Rapid Response with AHP led assessment Best Practice: “In NHS Lothian all [OTs] can access 7 hours homecare per week without recourse to social worker.”` Home Package Predictions Agreement with CEC to trial matching packages against predictions throughout year. Estimated Date of Discharge Best Practice; “In NHS Lothian …. each patient needs to have an active EDD entered, and it is a mandatory requirement that it is updated …. daily.”
Communications Professional Prof-to-Prof Line GP Alert SW involvement in winter planning meetings Public Linking with National Campaign