FY12 New Look Informational Webinar August 24, pm Lynn Reha Director, Illinois Center for Specialized Professional Support This presentation was prepared pursuant to a grant from the Illinois Community College Board and funded through the Carl D. Perkins Career & Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006.
Welcome to the FY12 New Look Project Mission: The purpose of the New Look Project is to assist career and technical educators, and their partners in identifying, developing, and strengthening aspects of their programming for special populations CTE learners.
Survey: Your Project What type of educational entity do you represent? A.Community College B.Secondary C.Other A.Community College B.Secondary C.Other
Survey: Your Project At what educational level will the audience for your activity be? A. Postsecondary B. Secondary C. Both Secondary and Postsecondary A. Postsecondary B. Secondary C. Both Secondary and Postsecondary
Main Points for All Applications Available at Utilize correct application and budget Request between $500-$3500, depending on scope of activity. Align budgets to Acceptable Uses of Funds.Acceptable Uses of Funds
Main Points for All Applications Refer to Walk-through for examples. Be a postsecondary Perkins fund recipient or partner to be eligible.
Special Considerations All applications: Plan to present at a State-level conference Have a partnership Integrate Programs of Study into projectPrograms of Study New Look NTO only Register with National Girls Collaborative ProjectNational Girls Collaborative Project
New Look Project Audiences Two awards in FY12 New Look NTO Award for programs serving learners preparing for careers which are non-traditional for gender New Look SP (Special Populations) Award for programs serving individuals with disabilities, economically disadvantaged, English language learners, single parents and displaced homemakers
Survey: Which audience(s)will you serve with your New Look Project? A. New Look NTO Award Learners preparing for occupations which are non- traditional for gender (NTO) A combination of NTO and other special populations (combo) Learners preparing for occupations which are non- traditional for gender (NTO) A combination of NTO and other special populations (combo) B. New Look SP Award Individuals with disabilities (IWD) Economically disadvantaged (ED) Single parents (Single) Displaced homemakers (DH) English language learners (ELL) Individuals with disabilities (IWD) Economically disadvantaged (ED) Single parents (Single) Displaced homemakers (DH) English language learners (ELL)
New Look NTO Application Narrative
Section 1: Project Overview
Section 2: Data Analysis
Section 2: Data Analysis Example C. Success Community College offers 23 NTO programs. They are identified in the attached list, and grouped according to Career Cluster.
Section 2: Data Analysis Example (continued) D. Collection We collected enrollment information for all 23 NTO programs (identified by CIP). The attached report from Success Community College data collection describes 10 th day enrollment for FY10 and FY11 for the classes that make up each identified CIP.
Section 2: Data Analysis Example (continued) D. Analysis We will focus on the Agricultural Cluster, with special emphasis on Agricultural Business & Management. The NTO enrollment in these classes was about in the middle of the enrollment rank, but jobs are available in our area.
Section 2: Data Analysis Example (continued) E. Our activity will focus on Career Information because both counselors and teachers have indicated that they would use more resources on non-traditional occupations.
Section 2: Data Analysis Example (continued) F. We selected both Materials and Practices, and Characteristics of an Occupation. Both counselors and teachers indicated the types of resources they would utilize.
Section 2: Data Analysis Example (continued) G. Strategies selected: Educate career counselors (and teachers) about the changing composition of the workforce Provide information about workplace policies and practices that support both long-and short-term flexibility Teach negotiation skills
Section 2: Data Analysis Example (continued) Cluster: Health Science POS: Nurse/Nursing Assistant/Aid (CIP ) Root cause: (Family) Family Engagement Engagement of family of origin has a strong influence on career choice. Strategy: Design activities to promote family roles in gender-neutral career guidance Activity: Distribute information to parents about the advantages of nursing for men by distributing American Careers Health Careers magazine to parents at an evening open house and having a workshop pointing out the advantages of a career in nursing for men, directed at a parent audience.
Section 2: Data Analysis Example (continued) Cluster: Health Science POS: Nurse/Nursing Assistant/Aid (CIP ) Root cause: (Family) Family Engagement Engagement of family of origin has a strong influence on career choice. Strategy: Design activities to promote family roles in gender-neutral career guidance Activity: Distribute information to parents about the advantages of nursing for men by distributing American Careers Health Careers magazine to parents at an evening open house and having a workshop pointing out the advantages of a career in nursing for men, directed at a parent audience.
Survey: Access to Data How much time do you have to allow to receive back class enrollment data from your institutional researcher? A.one week B.three weeks C.one month D.several months E.our organization does not have an institutional researcher Put other comments in chat section. A.one week B.three weeks C.one month D.several months E.our organization does not have an institutional researcher Put other comments in chat section.
New Look NTO Application Data Analysis Questions ????????????????????????????????
Section 3: Activities
Section 4: Goal Setting Long-term Goals
J. Aeronautics/Aviation/Aerospace Science and Technology K. On the 10 th day of the first semester in FY10, 10 females (10%) were enrolled in the classes which make up L. From the baseline of 10% in FY10, Success Community College will increase its female enrollment in Aeronautics by 3% by the 10 th day of the first semester of FY13. Section 4: Goal Setting Long-term Goals
Section 4: Goal Setting Short-term Goals
New Look NTO Application Goal Setting Questions ????????????????????????????????
Section 5: Innovation
Survey: Experience with New Look How many years have you been involved with the New Look Project? A.0 B.1-3 C.3-5 D.5-7 E.8-9 A.0 B.1-3 C.3-5 D.5-7 E.8-9
Section 6: Dissemination
Survey: Registered Is your program already registered with the National Girls Collaborative Project? A. Yes B. No A. Yes B. No
Section 7: Sustainability
Section 8: Summary
New Look NTO Application Narrative Questions ????????????????????????????????
Budgets: Both Applications
Budget Contact Information
Detailed Budget
Permissible/Allowable Expenditures
Survey: Budget Items Do you intend to put travel expenses to a state or regional presentation and/or Showcase Symposium in your travel budget? A. Yes B. No A. Yes B. No
Survey: Budget Items Will you have a partner? A. Yes B. No A. Yes B. No
Budget Questions ?????????????
New Look SP Application Narrative
Section 1: Project Overview
Section 2: Activities
Section 3: Goal Setting
Goal Measurement Worksheet
Section 4: Innovation/Dissemination
Section 5: Sustainability
Section 6: Summary
New Look SP Application Narrative ?????????????????????
Scoring Rubrics
Questions? Contact ICSPS