LoA Project Highlights លទ្ធផលនៃការអនុវត្តគម្រោង Department of Horticulture and Subsidiary Crops Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries GMS Working Group on Agriculture
Highlight up outputs Output 1: Baseline survey for 100 HHs Output 2: 4 FFSs and 4 organic vegetable groups (15 members per group) were formulated; -Implemented 4 Farmer Field Schools - 4 organic vegetable groups were formulated Output 3: 4 organic vegetable demonstration plots were established; -Developed 4 model organic villages and demonstrations
Highlight up outputs (cont’n) Output 4: 80 organic vegetable technological packages for the use of Bio control Agents (BCA) were distributed to farmer participants. -Publication of organic vegetable farming technologies and training manual for farmers were distributed to farmers. -Organized the workshop for dissemination of products Output 5. Participation on workshops -Shared village workshop with farmer participants and non farmer participants
Highlight up outcomes -the farmer concept of chemical has changed, -household income is rising, -the nutrition level also increased by eating more vegetables. -some farmers are willing to invest net house for organic vegetable. -the price of organic vegetable is about 2 to 3 times more than conventional vegetable (chemical inputs). -they can produce liquid organic fertilizer, compost and botanical pesticides by using local resources, so, they can save money,
5. What are the lesson learned ? Farmers have much depend on chemical inputs (pesticide, herbicide, fungicide etc.) 2. Most farmers have very little time to participate in the project, because they work hard in the field every day. 3. Most of them are not well accepted with the concept of organic vegetable. 4. The local chemical shops allow farmers to pay back the cost of chemical inputs after harvesting, in this way is meant that they motivate farmers to use more chemical inputs.
What are the project implementation issues? 1. Farmers use of high chemical inputs (pesticides, herbicide etc.). 2. Farmers have small land holding. 3. Lack of proper training on pesticides and chemical fertilizers use. 4. Only middlemen provide technical advice to farmers. 5.Many farmers didn’t trust the project
What are your key success? -Provide good Farmer Field School with the important topics -Provide good vegetable field demonstration of organic vegetables -Link the project with markets (organic shops) in the city -Close monitoring and follow up with farmers -Good relationship with farmers and local authorities
What are the activities to be upscale? -Provide technical training on organic vegetable productions and post harvest technologies. -Conduct innovative organic vegetable demonstration -Provide training on contract farming -Coordinate between farmer groups and organic shops -Promote awareness about the reducing chemical inputs
Thank you