Paul’s Epistles To The Churches & Saints In Galatia Philippi 4 Ephesus Colossae
Paul’s Epistle To The Ephesians Lesson 1 – Introduction Where do we read about Ephesus in Bible? 21 separate references across 6 books Acts 18:19, 21, 24; 19:1, 17, 26, 28, 34, 35 (twice); 20:16, 17; 21:29 1 Corinthians 15:32; 16:8 Ephesians 1:1 1 Timothy 1:3 2 Timothy 1:18; 4:12 Revelation 1:11; 2:1,4
Paul’s Epistle To The Ephesians Author – Paul in Eph. 1:1 Location of writing – Eph. 3:1; 4:1; 6:20 Timing – AD 61-63 during first imprisonment in Rome Courier – Tychicus in Eph. 6:21-22 Purpose – Remind Ephesian Christians of two truths Their Spiritual Wealth in Christ – Eph. 1-3 Their Spiritual Walk in Christ – Eph. 4-6
Paul’s Epistle To The Ephesians The Christian’s Wealth in Christ (1:1-3:21) Salutation (1:1-2) Wealth of Redemption (1:3-14) Wealth of Resources (1:15-23) Wealth of Regeneration (2:1-10) Wealth of Reconciliation (2:11-22) Wealth of Revelation (3:1-13) Wealth of Revitalization (3:14-21)
Paul’s Epistle To The Ephesians The Christian’s Walk in Christ (4:1-6:24) Walk in Unity (4:1-16) Walk in Newness (4:17-32) Walk in Love (5:1-2) Walk in Light (5:3-14) Walk in Wisdom (5:15-17) Walk in the Spirit (5:18-21) Walk in Subjection and Love (5:22-33) Walk in Obedience (6:1-9) Walk in Warfare (6:10-20) Closing Remarks (6:21-24)
Paul’s Epistle To The Ephesians Where was Ephesus? The ancient city was in the “upper country” (Acts 19:1) on the southwest coast of “Asia” (Acts 19:10) which is Asia Minor in Turkey. “the gateway to Asia” located ~3 miles from the coast of the Aegean Sea at the mouth of the Cayster River Ephesus was located at the crossroads of two major highways running through Western Asia
Where was Ephesus?
City layout
Paul’s Epistle To The Ephesians What do we know about Ephesus? First occupied 1044BC by Ionian Greeks King Croesus of Lydia captured city and built the first temple to Artemis (Diana) around 560BC Recaptured by Greeks around 334BC Passed from Greek control to Seleucid in 281BC Passed to Roman control in Paul’s day 4th largest city behind Rome, Alexandria and Antioch with ~250,000 inhabitants
Paul’s Epistle To The Ephesians What are the key features from the Bible? Jewish Synagogue – Acts 18:19 Paul entered and reasoned with the Jews School of Tyrannus – Acts 19:9-10 Paul used for three months The Occult – Acts 19:13-18, 19 Known for magical arts. Burned their books valued at 50,000 pieces of silver
Paul’s Epistle To The Ephesians What are the key features from the Bible? Temple of Diana – Acts 19:27,35 One of seven wonders of ancient world 117 columns each 60 feet tall and 6 feet in diameter supported the roof, 360 feet long by 180 feet wide Diana’s image believed to have fallen from heaven Image: Socorro Public Library
Paul’s Epistle To The Ephesians What are the key features from the Bible? The Theatre – Acts 19:29 Set in side of mountain overlooking the city Could accommodate ~24,000 on 66 tiers of seating Diameter ~495 feet with a stage of 115 x 70 feet The Assembly – Acts 19:39 Ephesus was a free-city under Roman control The civil assembly sometimes met in the theatre with Roman officials presiding and/or the town-clerk We see multiple uses of the Greek word “ekklesia” from which we get our word “church” that describes an assembly of people.
Paul’s Epistle To The Ephesians When did Paul visit? End of 2nd Missionary Journey – Acts 18: 19-21 3rd Missionary Journey – Acts 19 After 1st Imprisonment – 1 Tim. 1:3