Community as a First Post Trudi Archer Deputy Head of Professions EISD
Community as a First Post People still have very narrow perspectives on what Community Nursing is about and I am sure this picture will fit this for many people. It is not and the only way we can develop and enhance this wonderful area of nursing is through effective recruitment of new, dynamic staff into our workforce.
Bringing care closer to home
Better care? Putting the patient first-say it once. Doing things differently. Integration
Why Choose Community As A First Post? It is challenging and will continue to be more challenging. We have to do things differently, more collaboratively as more people will need to be cared for nearer to home and not in hospital. This means that we need a workforce who are skilled enough to support patients to remain at home as well as facilitating early discharge from Hospital. Disease is becoming more complex as the population ages and this is a continuing picture. Nurses will need to practice at a higher level of autonomy and have the knowledge and skills to manage risk and acuity in the community You will be developed. In Southern Health we offer a robust preceptorship programme to work through as well as access to a wide variety of ‘in house’ training and Continuing Professional Development through post graduate modules with University Partners. We also have a robust system of appraisal for all staff so you know how you are doing. Transforming Community Services now means that we want more people to be cared for nearer to home and not in hospital. This means that we need a workforce who are skilled enough to support patients to remain at home as well as facilitating early discharge from Hospital. Disease is becoming more complex as the population ages and this is a continuing picture. Nurses will need to practice at a higher level of autonomy and have the knowledge and skills to manage risk and acuity in the community. There is a traditional point of view that suggests that nurses should work and develop their skills in hospitals prior to coming out into the community. We would ask why? If you wish to work in the community for a career we would encourage you to develop these skills within the role. You can specialise as a community nurses and also in other specialist roles such as Heart Failure, Tissue Viability etc. The opportunities are endless and as a growing area will become more so. In Southern Health we offer a robust preceptorship programme to work through as well as access to a wide variety of ‘in house’ training and Continuing Professional Development through post graduate modules with University Partners. We also have a robust system of appraisal for all staff so you know how you are doing. Being invited into somebody’s home, planning care and providing this in their environment should be seen as a privilege. The impact you have on their lives and how they view you is very different to that of a hospital nurse. Patients and relatives will remember you and what you did for them for many years.
3-You can specialise. There is a traditional point of view that suggests that nurses should work and develop their skills in hospitals prior to coming out into the community. We would ask why? If you wish to work in the community for a career we would encourage you to develop these skills within the role. You can specialise as a community nurses and also in other specialist roles such as Heart Failure, Tissue Viability, EOL, etc. The opportunities are endless and as a growing area will become more so 4- It is a privilege to care for people in their own homes. Being invited into somebody’s home, planning care and providing this in their environment should be seen as a privilege. The impact you have on their lives and how they view you is very different to that of a hospital nurse. Patients and relatives will remember you and what you did for them for many years.
A very special place to be.