Complexity vs. Human Factors in System Engineering SWISSED 8 September 2015 Andreas Trautmann Manager MAIT Opto-Electronics & Instruments RUAG Schweiz AG RUAG Space, Zurich Switzerland
Complexity vs. Human Factors in System Engineering Intention of this presentation Give you a stimulus for reflecting beyond your general way of working in System Engineering… …and give you some examples, out of my own observation, where and how «Human Factors» work RUAG Division 22.11.2018
Complexity ? Project Line Planning Quality Controlling Configuration Certification Deliverables Finance Qualification Deadlines Margins Resources Specification Reliability Savings Budget Testing Risks Verification Costumer Supplier Validation Integrity Reliability Availability
Complexity vs. Human Factors in System Engineering Does a model help to handle the complexity ? V-model Waterfall model Model Based System Engineering SysML Scrum CMMI ….. Yes ! It helps to control complexity by providing a frame of guidance… RUAG Division 22.11.2018
Complexity vs. Human Factors in System Engineering Requirements/ Specification Validation Product Control of complexity through clearly defined Processes Tasks Roles Responsibilities V - Model Verification
Complexity ? Models are usually giving us a good guidance to be able to handle complexity
But: Complexity ? Things are as we perceive them ! Human Factors add up to it Our attitude has a lot of impact on the way of working. Things are as we perceive them !
Complexity vs. Human Factors in System Engineering Major hindering «Human Factors»: Over-simplification Lack of motivation to follow «the process» Limitation orientation Lack of focus on planning Lack of focus on continuous re-planning Hesitance to rely on others Hesitance to delegate Organizational overorientation Island Thinking Not adressing the source of the problem Let’s look at some examples … RUAG Division 22.11.2018
Human Factor «(over)simplification»: Ah, that’s not soo complex, let’s just do it… or Let’s be pragmatic, let’s just do it… or Ah, don’t make it more complex… RUAG Division 22.11.2018
Complexity vs. Human Factors in System Engineering RUAG Division 22.11.2018
Complexity vs. Human Factors in System Engineering Chaos pendulum: Coupling of simple elements leads to chaotic (unpredictable) outcome Simplification can make things very complicated if the context and the coupling elements are neglected (linking effects) RUAG Division 22.11.2018
Human Factor: «Motivation» (e. g Human Factor: «Motivation» (e.g. to follow the process): Why follow a fullblown process ? or We know what we need to do ! or Let’s just do it ! RUAG Division 22.11.2018
Human Factor «limitation oriented» instead of «solution oriented»: We do not have enough time… or We do not have enough resources… or The circumstances are bad… or The system is bad.. or We can not wait… RUAG Division 22.11.2018
No Time to repair the fence … …since we are too busy to catch the chicken RUAG Division 22.11.2018
Human Factor: «not seeing the necessity for (re)planning» Let us plan that later, when we know more… or We know what we need to do. Let’s just do it… or We lost a lot of time in the earlier project phases, let’s speed up in the final phase ! or Let’s just do it… ! RUAG Division 22.11.2018
Human Factor «not planning the resources ahead of time»: We now have a resource problem to start the project there – let’s give it also to Alex, he has the most experience ! or We have to take out this resource - the other project has a higher priority or I do not have further resources… RUAG Division 22.11.2018
Why a process ? Why planning ? Effort The «usual» approach to do a project Time RUAG Division 22.11.2018
Why a process ? Why planning ? Effort The «ideal» approach to do a project Time RUAG Division 22.11.2018
Why a process ? Why planning ? Effort Plan before you act ! Follow the standard process ! Time RUAG Division 22.11.2018
The important / urgent diagram preferably work here try to avoid to slip into this area higher importance plan and prioritize try to avoid to slip into this area lower importance distractions interruptions lower urgency higher urgency RUAG Division 22.11.2018
Human Factor «hesitance to delegate or let other people do their job or rely on the outcome of others»: Before I explain this lengthy – I rather do it myself or They are way too formal… or They are always late… or We can not wait any longer, let’s just do it …. RUAG Division 22.11.2018
Human Factor «organizational overorientation»: This is not part of my job – somebody else has to do it …. or Let’s create a TEAM – Toll Ein Anderer Machts RUAG Division 22.11.2018
Responsibility ? Interfaces ? The «over-the-wall» technique Sales Design Production Customer RUAG Division 22.11.2018
Human Factor «hesitance to go to the source of a problem»: I told THEM a hundred times… but they just don’t listen and act… … who is THEM ? … are THEY really responsible ? … where is the source of the issue ? … who needs to adress it there ? … in which organisation ? … at which level ? RUAG Division 22.11.2018
Complexity vs. Human Factors in System Engineering Guiding cornerstones to handle complex situations and systems: Some of these Human Factors are naturally present in all of us and are mostly an individual mean to handle complexity by REDUCING We just have to be aware about these mechanisms ! Reflect Be aware Act accordingly RUAG Division 22.11.2018
Complexity vs. Human Factors in System Engineering 12 Guiding cornerstones to handle complex situations and systems: stay calm and perceive the bigger picture think and then act plan early and continuously monitor your planning consequently use standards wherever you can (e.g. processes, models) define chrystal clear roles, where clarity is lacking – who does what, when ? set and communicate priorities RUAG Division 22.11.2018
Complexity vs. Human Factors in System Engineering 12 Guiding cornerstones to handle complex situations and systems: 7. know and respect your interfaces 8. delegate reasonable (e.g. ask if it is achievable) 9. try to find the source of the issue and solve there - instead of symptom fighting 10. communicate role-based and to the right organizational level 11. be pro-active (do not wait for the others) 12. never stop challenging your own attitude RUAG Division 22.11.2018
Questions ? Thank you for your time and attention ! Questions 28 RUAG Division 22/11/2018 22.11.2018
Andreas Trautmann Manager MAIT BU Opto-Electronics & Instruments RUAG Schweiz AG RUAG Space Schaffhauserstrasse 580 8052 Zürich – Switzerland Tel. +41 44 306 2198 Mobile +41 79 381 52 84 Mail: Mail: Web: 29 RUAG Division 22/11/2018 22.11.2018