Viscious Volcanoes By Kees and Riefe
What Is A Volcano ? It is a mountain with lava in the centre that sometimes explodes because the pressure inside becomes so intense that it all comes out. It is a mountain with lava in the centre that sometimes explodes because the pressure inside becomes so intense that it all comes out.
What To Do Before An Eruption know were any volcanoes are and if they will effect you. know were any volcanoes are and if they will effect you. Talk with your family and make an emergency plan. Talk with your family and make an emergency plan.
What To Do When A Volcano Is Erupting 1.Listen to the radio to see what to do next. 2.Stay indoors, keep windows shut. 3.Save water in your bath and other containers at an early stage, as the water supply may become polluted. 4.If told to leave cover your face and other parts of your body and ware a dust mask and goggles. 5. get your survival kit. 5. get your survival kit.
What to do after a volcanic eruption. Listen to the radio to find out what to do next. dont go back to your house unless someone on the radio tells you to.
Thanks for watching and now you know how to survive in a volcanic eruption. Thanks for watching and now you know how to survive in a volcanic eruption. From Kees and Riefe From Kees and Riefe Bye bye Bye bye