21st Century 2016 Continuation Application Overview Presented by the 21st Century Team, February 4, 2015
Participants will be able to: Understand recent changes Explain 21st Century programming Explain the program performance objectives Begin and complete the continuation application process Explore additional resources
Important Changes 1 Equitable Services Prompts 1- 3
Important Dates 2 Feb 2, 2015 System Opens April 24, 2015 System Closes at 5:00 PM July 1, 2015, FY16 Grant Period Begins June 30, 2016, FY16 Grant Period Ends
Eligible Applicants 3 The requirements are for sub-recipients in years 2-5
Partnerships School Districts Community Organizations (CBO) Faith-based Organizations (FBO)
Program Sustainability
Program Evaluation Ohio Department of Education Requirements Grantee Requirements State Evaluation Team Program Evaluation Plan with the end in mind Nice to know vs. need to know Pre and post assessments Alignment to program Program enhancements and improvements Tell your program’s story ___________________________________ PPOs should be a part of the evaluation plan and measureable Evaluation expenses should be reasonable Data should provide program outcomes aligned to PPOs And data should be used to help to tell your story
Program Performance Objectives Reading Mathematics Youth development Parent and family engagement PPO’s are the foundation of your program. They should drive your activities, professional development and evaluation. Each of the 4 PPOs should include a Goal, strategy, action step (s) measurement and the data you will collect. PPO should be put in the Planning Tool of the application. Smart Objectives Specific Meaningful/Measurable Achievable Relevant Time Specific To (increase/decrease) (what) by (number/%) among (whom) by (when) as measured by (how do you know).
Principles of Effectiveness Conduct needs assessment including the school year and summer months data Establish program performance measures Programs must be based on Scientifically Based Research activities
Principles of Effectiveness Conduct evaluation: Periodically assess progress towards achieving goals Use results to refine, improve and strengthen programs Available to the public upon request
Key Questions Am I doing what I said I would do? How well am I doing? Is what I am doing making a difference? Your data should tell your story?
Program Options Mathematics Reading/Literacy Art, music and cultural education activities Entrepreneurial education Tutoring Limited English Proficient (LEP) programs Service Learning STEM Global Learning Expanded library service hours Health and nutrition programs College and Career Readiness Assistance to students who have been truant, suspended or expelled
Hours of Operation Five year cycle: K-5 must operate at least 15 hours per week K-6 must operate 15 hours per week 6-12 must operate at least 12 hours per week No time requirements for breaks or summer
Hours of Operation Three year cycle only: Path A Path B Path C No time requirements (determine locally to provide effective programming).
Licensing License must be in place prior to serving students under age 15. If you change locations, a new inspection by the Ohio Department of Education or the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services is required for your license.
Licensing Contacts Ohio Department of Job & Family Services (Community Based/Faith Based Organizations) Stephanie Shafer (614)752-0445 Help Desk (866) 886-3537, option 4 Ohio Department of Education (Local Educational Agencies) Marlene Fields marlene.fields@education.ohio.gov 614-644-2604 desk 877-644-6338 toll free
Certified Teacher At least to oversee the quality of the 21st CCLC academic curriculum Responsibilities may include the development, implementation, and assessment of the curriculum Must be certified in at least one subject area at the grade level served by the grant
Nutrition Required to serve nutritious snack Cannot pay for food with grant funds NSL (National School Lunch Program) -ASCP (After School Care Snack Program) CACFP (Child and Adult Food Program) CACFP After School Snack Component
Nutrition Contacts Call: 1-800-808-MEAL (6325) www.education.ohio.gov Click Learning Supports/Food and Nutrition/Potential New Child and Adult Care Program Sponsor or; How To Become A School Meals Program Sponsor
Funding For State Fiscal Year 2016 (SFY16) (July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016) USDOE award notification by early summer Ohio’s approximate allocation $40 million annually Five year cycle Maximum funding allocation: $200,000.00 Minimum funding allocation: $50,000.00
Funding For State Fiscal Year 2016 (SFY16) (July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016) Three year cycle funding -Maximum funding allocation $500,000 -Minimum funding allocation $50,000 Continuation Awards are contingent based on funding from the United States Department of Education
Duration Five year period for approved grants Fourth & final years will be funded at 75% & 50% respectively Three year funded grant amounts remain the same each year Sustainability planning must start at the beginning
Governance/Administration Up to 15% of award -Goal setting -Fiscal -Hiring -Evaluation -Sustainability planning 200,000 x 15% = $30,000 5000,000 x 15% = $75,000
Expenditures Must be: -Reasonable -Allowable -Necessary Use common sense when making decisions to spend 21st funds.
Unallowable Expenditures Food Grant Writer Vehicle Purchase Building Purchase Major Repairs/renovations
Equitable Services What are equitable services? Why are equitable services important? Who has to do this? How do we do this? Assurances
Ohio Education Directory System (Revised)/CCIP -CCIP Authorized Rep/Superintendent -CCIP Fiscal Rep/Treasurer Data Entry Planning Data Entry Funding Data View Planning Data View Funding -OEDS-R Administrator -21st Century Program Manager (Compliance)
OEDS-R Only Roles Program Manager - 21st Century Grant (More than 1 per organization/IRN) Coordinator - 21st Century Grant (1-3 per grantee) Only CCIP Auth Rep/Superintendents, Treasurers and OEDS-R Administrators can give access
Application CCIP Planning Tool (Goals, Strategies, Action Steps) Funding Application (narrative responses) Review error messages prior to final submission
Application Deadline Submitted via CCIP Superintendent/CCIP Authorized Representative approved By 5:00 PM on April 24, 2015 No exceptions.
Contact Information Shannon Teague – Associate Director Shannon.teague@education.ohio.gov – or- 614-466-2517 Nina Pace - Grant Administrator Nina.pace@education.ohio.gov -or- 614-387-0344 Charlotte Jones-Ward –Education Program Specialist Charlotte.Jones-Ward@education.ohio.gov –or 614-466-8920 Debra Shirley –Education Program Specialist Debra.shirley@education.ohio.gov –or- 614-466-9520 Connie Sims – Data Coordinator Connie.sims@education.ohio.gov – or- 614-752-5071 Stacey Wood – Education Program Specialist Stacey.wood@education.ohio.gov – or 614-644-8543
Ohio Department of Education Information 25 S. Front Street, Mail Stop 406 Columbus, Ohio 43215 Office: (toll free) 877-644-6338 Fax: 614-995-3228 www.education.ohio.gov > search term: 21st http://21stcenturylearningcenters.wordpress.com/about-us
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