The Math You Need, When You Need It
Math tutorial modules for students in introductory geoscience courses Each module has Explanation Page Sample Problems Instructor Page On-line Quiz* The one part that is not openly available
They work! (Students like them)
They usually work (Students learn) School/Course Semester/quarter offered number of students # of posttest attempts allowed completion rate Average change pre- to posttest (percentage points) UWO Physical Geology Fall sem 2008 154 1 90% 28 Spring sem 2009 166 unlim. 95% 42 UWO Environmental Geology Fall sem 2008 § 180 67% 19 HCC Physical Geology Fall qtr 2008 § 5 40% -33† Spring qtr 2009 10 80% 18† Fall qtr 2009 § 60% -13† § Instructor included significant quantitative material for the first time † Small sample size (n≤10) precludes significance testing
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