Employment Food Safety Training Program 1/28/05 Cross Contamination Employment Food Safety Training Program American Association of Meat Processors One Meating Place Elizabethtown, PA 17022 Phone: (717) 367-1168 Fax: (717) 367-9096 Website: www.aamp.com Email: aamp@aamp.com Sanitation
When anything gets into food that is not supposed to be there. What is It? When anything gets into food that is not supposed to be there.
Material Causing Cross Contamination Physical Wood, metal, glass, hair, etc. Biological Bacteria (including pathogens) Chemicals Sanitizers, cleaners, pesticides Allergens Peanuts, milk, etc.
Proper Use of Chemicals Proper chemical handling practices Use only if properly trained to use them Follow manufactures instructions Only use if USDA approved Store in designated areas when not in use Use only chemicals that are properly labeled
Sources of Contamination People Equipment Packaging Materials Building
Prevention Methods Separate raw and cooked products Separate allergenic foods Eliminate horse-play Basketball Spraying with hoses Forklifts (Horse racing) FOOD FIGHTS!!!!!
Prevention Methods Never eat product you are working with Handle chemicals carefully
Prevention Methods Good personal hygiene Good housekeeping Wash hands Boot washes Good housekeeping Foreign material detection
Proper Use of Chemicals Proper cleaning techniques Put food and packaging materials away before using chemicals Cleaners Sanitizers Pesticides
Proper Use of Chemicals Chemicals in production areas Be aware of chemical residues Before start up After mid shift cleanup After pesticide application Area must be inspected for residues Equipment Food contact surfaces Surrounding area
Proper Use of Chemicals After pesticide application Line and surrounding areas must be Cleaned Rinsed Sanitized Inspected before production
Making Sure Product Hasn’t Been Contaminated Several detection methods are used Metal detection Visual inspection Microbial testing Taste testing
Conclusion Preventing cross contamination Following company rules Understand what causes it and why Apply principles of controlling it Make it a habit