Please complete twelve activities, color the boxes, parents sign and turn in before the last day of each month. Complete a math race game with the tricky fact number I practiced my facts on ______________________ website My parents quizzed me in the car for at least ten minutes I played ______________________with my family I practiced my three new facts until mastery every week Worked on the Xtra Math website for ten min. I got some practice tests from Mrs. Grandon and practiced Completed attached math practice sheet I asked and practiced a math activity from Mrs. Grandon I played ______________________with ___________ Someone from my family quizzed me on the math facts We practiced our facts by: _________________________________ I practiced my facts on ____________________ website I set the timer and practiced flash cards for ten minutes I used my tablet to review my facts I practiced my doubles and doubles plus one for ten minutes. Practiced the back side of my returned timed tests all week Sort your flash cards and practice the tough ones I taught my parent a math trick that I learned I played Math Bingo (Mrs. Grandon has one if needed) My parents quizzed me in the car with the tough facts u __________________________________ has completed twelve activities this month. Parent Signature: ______________________________________