ABO & Rh Blood Typing Lab
Lab Write Up Procedures Name in MLA Format Title Read the introduction and write a 5 sentence introduction summary for the lab. Hypothesis – based on your family genetics what blood type do you think you are? Read and write down the procedures so you know what to do Wednesday Draw Tables 1 and 2. For table 1 increase the tables to include 4 blood samples (1 for each person in your group) Write down the following assessment questions leaving room to answer each question: 1 – 9, 11-12 Conclusion – be sure to address whether your hypothesis was right or wrong, what you learned, etc. Lab Write Up Procedures
Procedures Put on all lab safety equipment. Wash your hands with soap and water. Thoroughly clean the tip of one finger on your non-writing hand with a sterile alcohol pad. Carefully remove a lancet package from the end that is closest to the blunt end of the lancet and then remove it. Prick the sterile area on your finger with the lancet. If you cannot perform this step, ask your teacher for help. Carefully place the lancet back in its package and dispose of it in the biohazard bag. Procedures
Add one drop of blood to each well of the blood typing tray. Make sure that you work quickly and there is enough blood that it does not dry to the tray. Clean the tip of your finger with a new sterile alcohol pad and dispose of it in the biohazard bag. Add one drop of anti-A serum to the A well, one drop of the anti-B serum to the B well, and one drop of anti-Rh to the Rh well. Using a clean toothpick, stir the A well thoroughly. Dispose of the toothpick in the biohazard bag.
Repeat step 10 for B and Rh wells Repeat step 10 for B and Rh wells. Be sure to use a new toothpick for each well to avoid cross contamination. Examine each well for agglutination. Agglutination indicates a positive test result. Record your results in Table 1 and determine your blood type. Pool the class data and calculate the percentage of students with each blood type using the following formulas: Total number of students with type (x) blood X 100 Total number of students in class Record your results in Table 2.