Science Safety
Dress Code Rules Wear safety glasses or goggles when instructed. Use an apron to protect clothes. Use gloves if instructed. Tie back long hair. Don’t wear loose clothes.
General Safety Rules NO HORSEPLAY! Read the experiment directions before you begin. Don’t experiment on your own. Never handle equipment unless you are instructed to do so. Clean up spills promptly. Tell the teacher if necessary.
Never eat or drink in the lab. Dispose of materials as instructed. Don’t pour materials down the drain unless it is ok to do so. Report all accidents to the teacher immediately.
Fire Safety Where is the fire extinguisher? How do you exit the classroom and building if there is a fire? Turn off equipment Leave quickly Close door Leave by center stairs and front door Meet near south goal post on the practice field.
Lab Safety When heating a test tube or bottle, always point it away from you and other people. Never heat a liquid in a closed container. Pick up heated containers with tongs or gloves. Never touch!
Don’t mix chemicals “just for fun.” Never touch, taste or smell a chemical unless you know it is ok. Dispose of chemicals as instructed by your teacher. Handle scalpels or razors carefully! Never use broken or chipped glassware.
Clean up and wash your hands!
Science Equipment
Beaker What is it for? Measure out liquids. Measure the amount Using the Measure out liquids. meniscus
Graduated Cylinder Measure out small amounts of liquids What is it for?
Forceps Pick up small items. What is it for?
Petri Dish Grow bacteria and other small organisms. What is it for?
Goggles/Safety Glasses Why do you use these? Protect your eyes !
Pipette Measures very small amounts of liquids. What is this for?
Latex Gloves Why do you use these? Protect your hands.
Magnifying Glass Makes small things look larger. What’s it for?
Balance What’s it for? Measures the mass of items or samples.
Meter Stick Measures the length of something using the Metric System What’s it for?
Test Tube Culturing stuff Cooking solutions What’s it for? Testing results What’s it for?
Funnel What’s it for? Pour liquids or powders into small openings
Erlenmeyer Flask Cook solutions or culture small organisms What’s it for?