The New Zealand Firefighters Welfare Society
Welcome Thank you for the chance to talk to you about the New Zealand Firefighters Welfare Society. My name is ____________. I am the Region _____ Board Representative for the Welfare Society. I’m here today to talk to you about the benefits of being a member of the Welfare Society.
About us We are an organisation run by Firefighters for Firefighters and their families. We have been in operation since 1987. The Welfare Society will support you and your family in your times of need.
Membership Membership is open to: All paid and volunteer firefighters Employees of FENZ Rural Firefighters Airport Crash Fire Service Employees Employees of the Welfare Society Members of an Ambulance Service within NZ paid or Voluntary
Membership Persons who have retired from or left the Fire Service or FENZ Members and employees of the NZ Firefighters Credit Union Employees of the U.F.B.A Appointed office holders of the Society Employees of the Firefighters Union
Membership Employees of EMQUAL Any other person as approved by the Welfare Board A members child upon reaching the age of 19 can join in their own right Junior volunteers from 16-19 years old Once you become a member you can remain a member as long as you continue to pay your contribution.
Benefits of being a member Holiday/convalescent homes we have seven homes throughout New Zealand we have a reciprocal agreement with the NZ Army and NZ Police Welfare to use their holiday homes our homes available for $75.00 per night homes sleep up to eight people Discretionary loans and grants in times of need the Welfare can help with loans or grants up to $500 (loans only given to members 19 years and older)
Benefits of being a member Ambulance Assistance Benefit If you are taken ill and transferred to hospital we can assist with that cost up to $500 pa. Gift Baskets If you are taken ill or have an operation we will send you a gift basket. Station Rep visits A Welfare Society Station rep can visit you at home or in hospital if you are taken ill, have an accident or scheduled operation to ensure you have the support you require.
Benefits of being a member Hospital TV rental where available members can have their TV rental paid for by the Welfare Travel Assistance costs for out of town medical visits can be claimed at 30c per km – maximum $150 per claim and $300pa Hospital Parking reimbursement of parking fees when you attend any hospital appointments - $150 pa
Benefits of being a member Home help If you a temporarily incapacitated members can claim $50 per day for home help – maximum $500 pa. Hearing Aids a contribution of $800pa towards hearing aids Corrective Lens $250 contributed towards your first pair of corrective lens
Benefits of being a member Child Birth a payment of $100 per new born child will be made to members Adoption of a child a payment of $250 per claim with a maximum of $500 pa to assistance with the adoption of a child Counselling assistance of $500pa towards counselling costs
Benefits of being a member Mobility Aid $300 assistance per year Disaster Fund assistance to members who get caught in times of a disaster Funeral Fund access to funds up to the age of 65 years $3000 per adult and $1000 per child
Additional benefits This is not an insurance it is a mutual fund set up for firefighters by firefighters.
Healthcare 99 One of the advantages of being a member of the Welfare Society means you can apply to join Healthcare 99. There are four options available to members Option A covers in and out of hospital costs Option A1 covers 75% of Option A Option B covers in hospital costs only Option B1 covers 75% of Option B The Board of the Welfare Society are the Trustees of the fund. Aon is the claim Manager.
Healthcare 99 Contribution Rates These rates are per person effective from October 2017 these may change at any time
Optional Benefits As a member of the Welfare Society you have the choice of optional benefits through AON. These include: General Insurance Accident and Trauma Insurance Life Insurance Income Protection. You must state that you are a Welfare member when applying to get benefits only available to Welfare members.
How to become a member Fill out the application form in the packs that you have been given and return it to me now or send it into the office. You will also need to fill out the direct debit form.
What next Once you have completed your application form and payment details and it has been signed and approved by a Board Member/Regional Rep you are a member in your own right under the rules of the Society. Once your first contribution payment is received, you then become a full member of the Society under its rules.
FAQs Q: Who owns the Welfare Society? A: Members own the Welfare Society. Q: Who can join the Society? A: Anyone who has a close association with FENZ and is approved as a member by the Board of the Welfare Society. Q: How do I pay? A: Either annually, monthly or fortnightly in advance by direct debit, internet banking or through the FENZ payroll.
FAQs Q: How much is the funeral benefit? A: $3000 for the member or spouse $1000 for each child Q: What happens when I turn 65, can I remain a member? A: Yes, when you reach the age of 65 you pay ½ the contribution rate and the funeral benefit ceases. Q: What happens if I decide to leave FENZ? A: Once you become a member you can retain membership for as long as you continue to pay your contribution rate.
FAQs Q: Who owns Healthcare 99? A: Its members are its owners. It is a Mutual Trust It is not an Insurance Scheme Q: What do I need to take with me when I use the Holiday Homes? A: Food, Linen and toiletries Q: Do I have to be a member to join the optional schemes? A: Yes
FAQs Q: What happens when my children get older? A: When your children reach 19 they can apply to become members in their own right by paying their own contribution fee and getting full member benefits. Q: If I die will my family be looked after? A: Yes, your family will have 12 months free membership from the date of the last payment received from you. They can then join themselves.
FAQs Q: How much does it cost? A: Only $4.00 per week Q: By paying $4.00 per week will my family enjoy the benefits outlined? A: Yes
Further information
Thanks Thank you for your time, we look forward to receiving you new membership form soon.