Eurostat ongoing activities in the field of cultural statistics Marta Beck-Domzalska Eurostat, Unit F-4
Warmly welcome to the meeting! 20-21.05.2010 WG "Cultural statistics"
Re-launching of cultural statistics in 2008 Summer 2008 - after 4-years-break - meeting of the Working Group on cultural statistics (participation of all MS, EFTA and candidate countries) - agreement for the ESSnet as a method of future work and setting of priorities in the work programme Autumn 2008 - launching of the call for proposal for the multi-beneficiary grant for the ESSnet-culture (network of some interested countries) work for the benefit of all MS with Eurostat funds and leadership for a experimental phase of two years, starting in 2009 September 2009 - start of the ESSnet-culture; main coordinator: Ministry of Culture of Luxembourg 7 December 2009: launching ESSnet conference in Luxembourg 20-21.05.2010 WG "Cultural statistics"
Current activities of Eurostat Work with the ESSnet and its TFs (meetings, e-mail exchanges): Methodology (FR) - framework for cultural statistics, relation to the creative sector/industries, definitions, available data source at international level, .. Cultural industries (EE) - coverage of sectors, availability of data (e.g. audiovisual?), new matrix for cultural employment, proposals for indicators Expenditure on culture (public and private) (CZ) - methodological work on public expenditure (national practices), proposal for pilot data collection?; proposals for improvement for the next wave of the HBS Cultural participation (NL) - methodological work to prepare guidelines for national and EU surveys; social impact of culture; possibilities of producing harmonised statistics on cultural provision + two meetings of the Steering Commitee Presentation of the first results of the work and discussions - WG meeting in May 2010 20-21.05.2010 WG "Cultural statistics"
Preparation of the new version of the pocketbook Contract by the end 2009, publication expected for February 2011 Proposal of the content: Contextual data: demography, social data and economics (Eurostat statistics) Cultural heritage (UNESCO, DG Education and Culture, EGMUS) Employment in cultural sectors and occupations (EU-LFS) Enterprises in cultural sectors (Eurostat SBS database) + Short-term statistics for cultural sectors (Eurostat STS database) External trade of cultural goods (Comext/Comtrade) Household cultural expenditure (Eurostat HBS database) Concept and role of culture (Eurobarometer Flash 67.1/07 on Cultural values) Cultural participation (SILC, AES, ICT + statistics on cinema admissions from Media Salles or European Audiovisual Observatory) Tourism and culture (Eurobarometer Flash 281/09, Europeans and Tourism) Validation by countries of final data to be included in the pocketbook - progressively (by thème) 20-21.05.2010 WG "Cultural statistics"
Collaboration with international organisations – meeting of 25 March 2010 (organised by Eurostat) Participants: UIS (J.Pessoa) UNCTAD (E.Dos Santos) OECD (H.Beilby) WIPO (R.Lamb) (Council of Europe: K.Merkle - apologises) ESSnet (G.Frank) Eurostat 20-21.05.2010 WG "Cultural statistics"
Information about activities of organisations UIS UIS Culture Statistics Programme 2010-13: 2009 UNESCO Framework for Cultural Statistics: regional training workshops, handbook on measurement of cultural participation UIS Global Cultural Surveys (2010 - on film; 2013 - on cultural employment?) UIS-UNESCO Culture Sector collaboration ( WHC, diversity,..) 3rd meeting of the Expert Group on the measurement of the diversity of cultural expressions – autumn 2010? UNCTAD: « Creative Economy Report » - 2008 databank on world trade in creative products - will be updated in autumn 2010 Events: Shanghai World Expo (creative cities), UN « Creative week » (end October) OECD - no activity.. but want to be informed; interest for Stiglitz WIPO - statistics on patents and trademarks; copyrights - specific studies in some countries where registers exist 20-21.05.2010 WG "Cultural statistics"
Conclusions of the meeting Interest for such meetings - on yearly basis? Exchange of information on ongoing projects/planned events/publications Concrete demand for ESTAT and ESSnet - for comments: UIS: FCS Methodological Development - Handbook/guidelines on measuring cultural participation → contractor has contacted us New UIS culture survey for 2013 - on cultural employment? → contractor will contact us UNCTAD: List of cultural goods - for comments (asap..) 20-21.05.2010 WG "Cultural statistics"
New domain in Circa “Cultural statistics” Structure: Eurostat Working Groups (by date) ESSnet-culture: Conferences Reference documents 4 TFs: Meetings (agenda, presentations, minutes), working documents Steering Committee Comments, suggestions? (access, structure) 20-21.05.2010 WG "Cultural statistics"
WG "Cultural statistics" Thank you for your attention! Marta Beck-Domzalska 20-21.05.2010 WG "Cultural statistics"