Together we love life, learning and God Welcome to 1W Teacher: Mr Julien Mealey Teaching Assistant: Mrs Debbie Delaney LSA: Miss Christina Edwards Together we love life, learning and God
Timetable Maths and Literacy lessons take place every day. Currently they are in the form of focus groups due to Year 1 transition. Children have a sports coach once a week for outdoor PE on Wednesday with coach Kyle. They also have another PE session every Thursday. The weekly timetable also includes RE, Handwriting, Spelling, ICT and IPC.
engaging exciting relevant creative IPC Units this term engaging exciting The IPC is a comprehensive, thematic, creative curriculum with a clear process of learning and with specific learning goals for subjects which include science, history, geography, art, music and design technology. It also includes an important element for international mindedness and for personal learning. relevant creative
International Primary curriculum IPC Our first IPC unit this term is called ‘What’s it Made of?’. In this unit the children will be finding out about a range of materials and why used to make different everyday objects. They will also carry out investigations to test their properties and find out where these materials comes from. Some homework linked to this unit or another unit will be set at a later point this year!
Reading It is an expectation that all children read regularly at home. Reading diaries will be collected in on a Thursday by Mrs Suleyman. It will be signed or stamped. New books will be given out on a Friday. The children will be given a phonics reader and a banded book. DSR (Daily Supported Reading) is a reading scheme that Year 1 will be following. The children will be split into small ability groups where they will read a focus text every day.
HANDWRITING In Year 1, we are following the school policy for handwriting. This is the cursive script. Over the year, we will be training the children to apply this in their work.
Homework In Year 1, homework is given out on a Friday. All homework will be collected in on a Thursday. Homework will only include reading and spellings at this time. Mathletics. Ocean Maths All Maths and English work in the homework book will be marked. This work will be differentiated accordingly. IPC homework will usually involve a project type activity.
School Website Newsletters are now available every fortnight on the school website. Please go to News and Events - Newsletters Diary dates for the year are on the website – sports days, concerts, INSET days, etc Please check the website for updates on policies, curriculum areas and staff changes
Other information Any questions? PE kits are advised to be in school everyday. Children will be dismissed in the playground in their class lines, at the end of the day. TA’s are available to take down any messages for the class teacher in the morning. Class buddies. Appointments with teachers through the office. Home/school agreement. Trip 21st March Any questions?
Thank you for coming