What conditions provided the context for the emergence of games and pastimes (sports)?
Settlers and Patterns of Settlement The Fur Traders Settlers and Patterns of Settlement Economy and Work Religion Social Life
Europeans to North America Fishing Souls Gold North west Passage Colonies fur
1497: John Cabot, exploring for King Henry VII of England, stumbles on Newfoundland's cod fishing grounds. "The sea there is swarming with fish, which can be taken not only with the net, but in baskets let down with a stone," he later wrote.
Gabriel Sagard 1623-1624 Hurons
French Colonial Period Chronology French Colonial Period 1603-1663 New France 1663-1763
Samuel de Champlain 1567-1635
(The Order of Good Cheer) L’ordre du Bon Temps (The Order of Good Cheer)
Life in New France Coureurs de Bois Voyageurs
Film – The Voyageurs National Film Board 1964
Seigneurial System Company of 100 Associates Protection Social life
Sod House - Prairies
Religion/Social Life
Summary – early pastimes, games, and competitions The physical, economic, social: masculinity/competition Settlement survival church