March 16, meeting Y. Koike (BNL/Niigata Univ.)


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Presentation transcript:

March 16, 2004@J-Lab meeting Y. Koike (BNL/Niigata Univ.) Azymuthal Spin Asymmetries for Large P_T Hadron Production at eRHIC March 16, 2004@J-Lab meeting Y. Koike (BNL/Niigata Univ.) Cf. Y.K. and J. Nagashima, NPB660(2003) 269

Azymuthal asymmetry for large- hadron production in SIDIS Double spin asymmetries: twist-2 Cf. -integrated cross sections: LO; Ji(’94). NLO; de Florian et al (’96), Stratmann(’96), Vogelsang(’96),… -differential cross section with intrinsic k_T: LO, Mulders&Tangerman(’96), Boer&Mulders(’98), … This is relevant only for small p_T production.

Kinematics for ・Lorentz invariants: with

Hadron frame for (Meng, Olness, Soper(’91)) photon-proton Breit frame mom. of hadron B Azymuthal angle between lepton and hadron plane Spin vector Polar angle of Azymth. Measured from hadron plane.

Large p_T hadron production in perturbative QCD (twist-2) diagrams Fragmentation insertion

Cross Section: for for Characteristics:

Azymuthal asymmetries: O: Unpolarized, L: Long. pol.

Sample Calculation of Azymuthal Asymmetries: Chosen Kinematic variables: ・COMPASS energy: “Valence” region ・EIC energy: “Sea” region

Sample Calculation of Azymuthal Asymmetries: ・ GRV98 ・      GRSV2000 (std. and val.), AAC (’00), GS(’96) ・ Ansatz N.B. Very crude estimate. Their evolution is different. ・ fragmentation function: KKP2000, Kretzer(’00) ・ fragmetation function: DSV98 (de Florian et al) Three scenarios for long. pol. fragmentation function: At low energy input scale they are constructed such that scen.1: (NR quark model) scen.2: (inspired by Burkardt-Jaffe) scen.3: Transversity fragmentation function:


★Cross section formula