Saguaros: The Crowned Jewel of the Sonoran Desert
Do Saguaros Grow Older on the East or West Side of the Tucson Mountains?
Our Hypothesis Null: There is no correlation between the side of the mountain, east or west, and age. Alternative: Saguaros on the West side will generally live to be older because they are not exposed to as much sunlight than those on the East side.
Importance Humans moving farther into the desert. Loosing habitat. Conservation increasingly important. To know what areas or regions will be better to conserve.
Background Information Saguaro Cacti (cereus giganteus) Slow Growth Sprout at 75 years Mature at 100 + yrs Oldest, up to 200 yrs More than 5 Arms Shallow Root System
Objective: To determine if the geographical location of a Saguaro cactus on a mountain has any effect on the age reached.
Technique: Observed number of arms on each saguaro. On East & West Side of Tucson Mountain. Hiked and Counted 500 cacti on each slope Compiled our results into data.
Cacti Counting
DATA WEST SLOPE 0 Arms - 165 1 Arm - 45 2 Arms - 89 3 Arms - 90 EAST SLOPE 0 Arms - 253 1 Arm - 41 2 Arms - 66 3 Arms - 82 4 Arms - 62
East Slope vs. West Slope
Calculations WEST SIDE 0 Arms - 200 1 or more Arms - 304 EAST SIDE 39.7% 1 or more Arms - 304 60.3% EAST SIDE 0 Arms - 253 50.2% 1 or more Arms - 251 49.8%
Results Reject null Hypothesis Accept Alternative Hypothesis Grow older on West Side of Mountain
Overview Reasons why we think Saguaros grow older on the West Side of Tucson Mountain. Less Sunlight Conserve Water Loss Farther from City Population Less Detrimental to Saguaros, from Smog, Pollution, etc.
Attack of the killer Cacti