Why are the dreams of men different than women?? By: Stephanie Henigman
Why are the dreams of men different than women?? Question: Why are the dreams of men different than women??
Women tend to recall their dreams more often than men.
Women tend to report more frequent and intense nightmares than men.
Men dream more often about other men rather than women.
While women, dream equally about both men and women.
67% of characters in men’s dreams are other men.
While 48% of characters in women’s dreams are other women.
Men usually dream about aggressive encounters with men (mostly strangers).
Women mostly dream about interactions with familiar others in familiar places.
A possibility their different is because men and women socialize differently when growing up.
Boys are usually taught to be more aggressive than girls.
Girls are usually taught to be more social than boys.
Sexual selection theory suggests, females are the choosy sex in humans.
Whether it makes sense its clear that for many millennia men have gone to war.
While women stayed on the home front and watched the children.
This war theory suggests that men had to be aggressive to survive – not only to impress.
Data from dream content studies is consistent with both;
The war theory of male aggression and sexual selection theory.
More studies need to be done in order to understand the sex difference in dream content.