Pakefield Primary School KS2 MATHS SATs Monday 6th February 2017
Changes to KS2 Maths SAT: Paper 1 – Arithmetic 30 Mins Approximately 35 Questions 40 Marks available Paper 2 – Reasoning 40 Mins Approximately 20 Questions 35 Marks available Paper 3 – Reasoning (as paper 2) No Calculators for any papers.
Maths Paper 1: Arithmetic
Maths Paper 2 and 3: Reasoning
Maths Paper 2 and 3: Reasoning
Final Scoring for maths: The total score for all three papers is 110 marks Raw scores are converted into scaled scores A scaled score of 100 is the expected level Last year 60 marks equated to 100
What to do at home: Play times tables games Count backwards and forwards in different size jumps starting on different numbers Look for opportunities for reading and telling the time, look at timetables Look for numbers and shapes all around In the kitchen: weigh, measure, time Encourage homework, My Maths, revision books
perpendicular height) home . r² sounds like area to me, when I need the circumference I’ll just use d CYLINDER SPHERE CUBOID CUBE CONE PRISM PYRAMID FRUSTRUM Area = b² Area = base × height Area = ½ base × height (must use the perpendicular height) Regular Polygons (all sides same length and all angles the same)