Space data for forest monitoring in Taiwan National Level ~~ National Forest Resource Inventory 1954-1956、1972-1977、1989-1993、2008-2014 Work Circle Level ~~ Management Plan Inventory Long-Term Growth Survey ~~ 10 year period Space data for forest monitoring GHG Inventory Report in Forestry Sector Monitoring Land Use Change Chyi-Rong Chiou National Taiwan University
Space data for forest monitoring in Taiwan Land Use Change Monitoring For the purposes of land management, the land use monitoring program based on the satellite image was executed every year. National GHG Inventory Report in Forestry Sector Based on the results of land use change monitoring the land use change matrix was generated and used for calculating the carbon removed by forest. Chyi-Rong Chiou National Taiwan University
Land Use Change MODIS Land Use ~~ IPCC Land Use Map (2001-2012)
2001~2013 MODIS Land Use Change
Forest Cover Baseline Map for Forest Monitoring 1995 & 2009 National Forest Resource Inventory Based on Aerial-Photo Interpretation at 1/5000
2010-2015 Landslide Area Detection based on Landsat 2011 2012 2010-2015 Landslide Area Detection based on Landsat 2013 2014 2015
2009 Forest Cover Map 2015 Forest Cover Map (red area as landslide area)
Future Space Data Applications in Taiwan Verification on GHG report in Land Use sector Data Cube applications SAR Data for Forest Monitoring